urban fiction writing prompts

Now, to start. Write about a time you had very little happiness and how you found it again. Write about how your character has gone through life believing that love is a choice. That being said, keeping your message broad enough to impact a lot of people while also hitting specific key points can make it easier. Your character embarks on a mission to prove that the key to happiness is doing whatever they want, whenever they want. Sign In Sign Up Sign Up Search for: Career Documentation Technical Writing Novel Book Screenplay Knowledge Publishing Writing Content Design Software Certifications Courses Their memories of their time in that foster home are almost non-existent. #5 You are casually walking down a deserted road when you fall into an open manhole. Write about a character who embarks on a quest to locate a special type of rock that lights fires almost instantly something their settlement needs. Decide if the story will take place in this world or a completely unique one, Create realistic advanced technology that your characters would actually use, Avoid modern-day slang unless the story takes place here, Paint a very clear picture of everyday life for your character from the very first page, Get creative with the laws, culture, and customs. But they soon realize that nobody remembers who they are day after day, despite making very clear and memorable introductions. . Your characters mom is caught sneaking into their house in the middle of the nighta trail of mud patterning the floor in the shape of her heels. Create a workbook dedicated to making someone feel positive about themselves. Write about a characer who has a dream they got a certain magical power or giftonly to discover later that day that they DO now actually have it. How journaling can relieve negative thoughts about yourself. All they can remember is feeling scared and a distinct song that gets stuck in their head from time to time. Write about a moment in your life that changed the way you saw the world. Theres been no war or poverty or famine in centuries. A book about the idea of self-care and what it means to you. Write about a trial being the only way your character can ever hope to rise above their current abysmal ranking. Write about how to overcome a learned toxic thought-process when thinking about yourself. Unfortunately, theyre world is headed toward an ice agewhich could mean their extinction if they dont learn to make peace with their water-wielding nemesis. Shes in a trance and wont answer to her name. Nobody from that country knows magic existsand everybody with magic didnt know those without it exist. They just didnt think about the fact that they might end up. Art and how it can show you a lot about yourself. Create a conflict many can relate to or sympathize with, Spend a lot of time on the character arc as many contemporary novels are primarily character-driven, NEVER romanticize abuse as love (AKA, a jealous boyfriend should never be praised for loving your character more because this is harmful to readers), Create real chemistry by giving your characters qualities that would, Avoid insta-love by giving your characters time to bond and get to know each other, Look out for serious romance cliches and overused plot lines like love triangles, forbidden romances (these can be great, Continuously up the stakes whenever the reader gets comfortable with the relationship. Dealing with grief, your family blaming you for a siblings death, and a debilitating disease isnt easy. You really have to focus on the structure of your writing in order to create that reaction. Write a book about how at the height of your characters career and life as a whole an attack destroys their city, kills their spouse, and forces them into povertyand maybe even war. Your own struggles with faith and how you maneuvered them. Acknowledgement Page, Copyright Page, & More! Write about a character who is obsessed with certain colors. Something to keep in mind is that creative writing is largely driven by tone, style, characters, and your plot. How theres more to life than JUST your faith and how to avoid blinding yourself to it. Write a story about how arranged marriages are the standard. The only thing stopping them is a past thats sprinting to catch up to them. |Privacy and Legal|Site Map. They must learn to push out anyone who tries to alter their perception of reality. The second thing you could do is read urban fantasy books by fellow, successful authors. How to develop healthy and nurturing relationships. Mystery is a very difficult genre to write. Learning to live with something difficult or painful every day. Conflict you once endured because of mismatched morals. And thats exactly what were here to help you with, whether youre writing as a hobby or looking to publish a novel thats destined to be included on every bibliophiles gift wish list. How to have healthy communication in your family. 40 Self-Help Writing Prompts Write about a time when you had to start over in your life, and what you learned from that. Urban Fantasy Writing Prompts Urban fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy that takes place in an urban setting. The Ghost Cat, Totem #5 by Christine Rains is a paranormal, shifter urban fantasy set in Alaska and is the fifth book in a series about three polar . Write about the idea of wants versus needs in life. How to change your overall outlook to be more positive. How to ignore societal expectations when they clash with who you are. Fiction writing prompts are an amazing way to get the creative writing gears moving and generate new ideas for your next (or first!) How they both ended up in the same city away from their hometowns makes no sense to them. Because being terrified is entertaining to some people, Building anticipation will be your #1 focus, Plot twists are a must; never let your characters or readers see whats coming. Thats why the murdered child found in the street sets the town into complete and utter chaos. The difference your life can have if you have self-confidence. When your character is sold for the 8th time in their short 20 years, then end up at one of the top houses and become a personal servant to the next leader of their settlement. below to get the definitive guide on how to write a book PLUS get access to the audiobook, advanced trainings, and additional resources to help you write your book! Write about finding success in your career. The differences in your life since believing in something bigger than you. Write about how to share your morals with others. Copyright Self Publishing SchoolAll Rights Reserved. See where these ideas take you. The ServiceScape Writing Prompt Generator has hundreds of creative writing ideas. Once inside, the direction of their entire life changes. The impact of who you surround yourself with on your mental health. Write about a single day or a single moment in their lives. Your character needs a near miracle to pass their trial. 2. You may want to use a reading from an earlier or later grade level. Write about a single member of each noble family who has been murdered every week for the past two months. Unfortunately, your character discovers a superstorm developing, Your character develops a new device you implant in your ear that reads the minds of those they focus on. Here Are 15 of the Best Reddit Writing Prompts: #1 You have a machine that tells you the effect of an action you are thinking about making, but you can only activate/use it once.. What they never thought of, though, was the fact that one day, the could be kidnapped and used as leverage. Your character is the one who was supposed to keep it safe. Their partner someone theyve known their whole life is already chosen and its time to secure the bond. They float atop the ocean, traveling hundreds of miles a day, all while its citizens go about their everyday life. The ups and downs of life and how to get through them. Write about a character who is up for a big promotion within their company. But theres a lesser-known brother Santa who every five years takes gifts away from children who have been naughty even once. Until tragedy strikes that stranger. Write a romance story about how you dont know unconditional love until youve ever felt it at your core. Here are 30 Sci-Fi Creative Writing Prompts: Write about a character who wakes up in a space pod alonenext to a ship so massive it's actually carrying a planet beneath it. In order to make things right, they have to dive head first into a world theyd rather not know even existed. Use our fun Story Ideas Kit to create mix-and-match story plots. When their birth mother reaches out to reconnect, they never couldve predicted whats kept her away for so long. Use these to craft your next story, or as a writing exercise. Here are 25 Writing Prompts About Childhood and Family: Happiness is very subjective. Their home is littered with candles, a lighter is never more than a foot from them, and bonfires are a nightly occurrence. A building theyve never noticed before flashing an OPEN sign catches their attention. Write about how to communicate in relationships. by Dan Dalton. The problem? But if youre ready to start right now, here are a few to set the creative wheel of your imagination in motion so you can find your writing style and master your craft. Writing fantasy requires a deep level of imagination and creativity as you are literally creating your own world. Write a book about how your character waited two weeks for their date to call. A glimpse into a Victorian-era love story. Write a story about how, due to climate change, wildfires have engulfed the large majority of living land. What they find is emptinessfor miles and miles and miles. Realistic dialogue is important. Unnatural. Then their dates sibling calledto tell them they had died. 30 Short Story Writing Prompts. Now your character knows why. Thinking nothing of it, they toss them in the garbageonly for them to reappear the next morning. After becoming obsessed with one little detail, they soon discover a number of their ancestors from all over the world were once located in a single, unpopulated place; a gathering of sorts. Your character has always believed magic exists. Write a. story about how a treehouse in the deep woods is your characters favorite place to relax. Write about how your character lives on a planet other than Earth. What youve gained from networking throughout your life. Write about how your character started going blind at the age of six. The biggest problem in todays society revolving around happiness. Write about how the painting thats been in your characters home for over 50 years starts screaming. 7. Without a word, his eyes start to bleed. Write about a character who, after witnessing horrors of rising crime and drug rates, ran away at the age of 12 to live on their own in a secluded wooded area. What it means to have overall life wellness. 8. Write about how to find what you value in life. Write about a character who has just met someone new and quickly falls in love. In your characters world, crime is nonexistent. Then they come across a town that seems unchanged, inhabiting seemingly normal people. While reading these, note which ones cause you to pause and think if only for a moment longer than the rest. They have everything they would ever hope to haveexcept for a clue as to what happens outside their very large, protective walls. When a shiny, unnatural looking contraption touches down and, Write about how the only reason your character is alive is because of a test device implanted around their heart. Write a story involving a character who officially meets the person theyve been bumping into all over town. If you'd like even more upper elementary writing prompts, we publish new ones twice a week on our kid-friendly site: the Daily Classroom Hub. Seventh Sanctum's Plot Twist Generator. 300+ Best Fantasy Writing Prompts and Plots Ideas 2020. #15 A war-thirsty species is finally defeated after rampaging through the galaxy for decades, and their remains are exiled to a far away and dangerous planet. Theres nobody around and no way for anyone to hide. The current ideas about race and Blackness in Latin America continue to require analysis and examination. Write a horror about how your character gets a new job in a restaurant as a waiter. Soon, theyre enthralled in a romance that could get them both killedbecause hes already promised to anothera very, Write a story about how cheating is wrong. Write about a character whose world is dying. We always want to figure out what happened. But when their mothers friend brings her daughter to their palace, their entire focus changes. Urban fantasy is a sub-genre of the larger fantasy genre and as you guessed most of the time the stories take place in an urban modern setting. That means everyone can relate to being a child and having a family. This list is the matchbox with which you can strike your match. Here are the fiction writing prompts we have: These are the nonfiction writing prompts: Save This Resource NOW for Quick Reference Later, 200+ Fiction Writing Prompts In the Most Profitable Genres. What they find when they get there are undiscovered species both animal and humanoid. While drinking liquid happiness (magic drink) from a local tavern, theyre hit with a vision that overpowered every drop of happiness consumed. Here are 30 original fantasy writing prompts: Fantasy is a wildly popular genre. It had been 10 years since your character last saw their biggest crush. Your character is one of many attempting to board a ship set for a new in-ocean settlement. Nobody knows how or where they are now. Write about how your main character is a key witness for a murder case. A good prompt can give you the inspiration you need to craft a paragraph, a book, or an entire series. Happiness is an illusion, as are every other emotion. >> UPDATE: Due to the popularity of this post (thanks, you! Since the manmade radioactive superstorm that destroyed most of life as they knew it, extreme measures have been taken to document every move of every person. 35 Fabulous Fantasy Writing Prompts. Your character runs an underground cyber center that gets crashed by local law enforcement. Here are a few ideas to do these writing prompts justice when writing your fantasy novel: Here are 30 Sci-Fi Creative Writing Prompts: This genre is another very popular one, and for good reason. Your character, being the good person they naturally are, grabs it and rushes after the person. Write about what it truly means to have complete confidence in yourself. Your characters identity is stolen, racking up thousands of dollars in debt. 15 Urban Fantasy Story Prompts Everyone loves a good blend of fantasy and modern day life, here is a list of 15 prompts to get your creative juices flowing. Consider a time your morals were compromised and how it affected your life. When offered a way out, your main character takes it without questionwhich might be their biggest mistake. . Once a week, on the same day, at the same time. Write about a character who invents airborne particles with the intent to eradicate diseases. When they discover how the world is kept at peace, their life changes forever. When they open it, their half-finished pieces are completedand it wasnt their doing. Overview: Anyone you may ask will have a story about finding love, how difficult it was to attain, the . Ready? All you need is one writing prompt to light your imaginative fire and you can burn through a book idea, formulating the plot and all with just a single prompt. What being healthy inside and out means to you. The Posy Book: Garden-Inspired Bouquets That Tell a Story by Teresa H. Sabankaya is a beautiful book on posy creation and the language of flowers with how-to tips, sample bouquets, and gorgeous photography. Their memory is foggy but clearing up, and they have some sort of technical device securing their hands together. Your character, who has spent their entire life in this world, takes a trip to the mountains far away from their home. If only she would. The real challenge is learning to survive the diverse and alien consequences of casting a spell. So much so that children are now worth millions. 6. Your characters people believe a certain boulder is sacred. But without having a clear idea of what to write about, that dream can seem too far out of reach. Its everything your character could wantand then they meet the person who pays thousands for their portrait. Fantasy Writing Prompts People are confined to the indoors unless they use a special, very expensive suit. 29. Now theyre in therapy, fighting with their own mind in order to sort out what really happened that day and why they cant stop hearing another voice. This is one of the top book ideas right now. Write about hidden problems in the world nobody is paying attention to. 2. They were (romantically involved) with your main character when the theft occurred. Here are some of our favorite story generators on the Internet: Writing Exercise's Random Plot Generator. Compose a poem, a short story, a personal essay, or write a song (that would be rather fitting). Her dads friends are off limits. Winter is the only time two lovers can be together, for whatever reason. 5 Things to Consider Before Writing Urban Fantasy. Cancer is nothing more than an old nightmare. actually what their specific relationship can benefit from. Your characters significant other has always talked in their sleep; its nothing new. Your main character is among the few chosen to venture to the planet and study them. During a follow-up set of interviews, your character conducts around a certain mob member, long thought to have put an end to that very mob, they find out that the mob member has been lying for 30 yearsabout everything. Write about how fire is your main characters solace their addiction. Write a romance about how your character is basically a starving artist, an art student just barely getting by. Who killed him? The importance of loving yourself before loving someone else. Write about how two old bicycles are embedded in a tree grown into it from years of being chained to it. All prompts are my own - so you may use them as you like! 30 urban legends and myths informational texts, reading comprehension and analysis handouts, writing prompts (persuasive, expository, creative/narrative) and graphic organizers (Printable & Digital) - NO PREP lesson plan, student handouts, PowerPoint slides, Google Doc, Google Slides, bell ringer, exit slip and effortless grading rubric perfect . It fits with the sci-fi world and further creates a sense of realism and it pulls the reader deeper into the world. There are countless fantasy worlds out there and that means you really have to focus on being unique within your world. The 300 years it took to destroy society was completely planned. But that mentality quickly lands them in serious trouble with drugs, new friends, and decisions they cant undo. Anyone who cant meet the standards is done for. In fact, they just want to escape from their own life for a little bit but prefer to read something realistic, something they can relate to. And worsethey enjoy it. When they meet a stranger who shows them how to enjoy life again, everything seems to be perfect. A group of "outsiders" become a clique that eventually excludes others. Youre the type of person who has dreamed of writing a book for however many years, only held back by the lack of ideas or good ideas, rather. Write a story where magic is abundant, everywhere, and used as currency. Also use the sentence 'Aren't you afraid?' After venturing in and out of foster homes, theyre finally an adult and on their own. With everyone in their family having gone to an ivy league school, your main character feels the pressure to get in and get As. Kidnapping and worse await her if anyone finds out that she can reproduce, and will soon have a child up for grabs. In order to save herself and her child she must confess her pregnancy to the father, a very wealthy man in politics. Build a novel idea around their family dynamic. A. A collection of dark fantasy writing prompts for the writer looking to practice, or who needs a little inspiration. But when they come forward with these details, they become the new main suspect. Then they wake up one day to discover that their lies have all come true. Your country is separated into three main regions with a dangerous neutral zone in the center. Write about how your character had been studying their whole life. Disclosure: Some of the links above may contain affiliate partnerships, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Self-Publishing School may earn a commission if you click through to make a purchase. Write a thriller about how odd and unexplainable events are said to happen in a certain seaside town. Write about how in the distant future, magic is discovered as being realat least for the humanoid creatures inhabiting an Earth-like planet. Welcome to the Writing Tips Oasis guide on writing urban fantasy. If you're looking for a quick boost to get yourself going, these 10 short writing prompts will do the trick.

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urban fiction writing prompts