ancient hebrew resh symbol
( common, / a.r.r ) Translation: SPIT.UPON (V) Definition: To eject saliva, usually on another in spite or disrespect. KJV Translations: famine, hunger, dearth, famished, hungry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7457, h.7458, ( masc., / ra-a-von ) Translation: FAMINE Definition: An extreme scarcity of food. Alternate Translations: forty (when written in the plural) KJV Translations: four, fourth, forty, fortieth Strong's Hebrew #: h.0702, h.0705 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0703, ( masc., / re-vi-i ) Translation: FOURTH Definition: An ordinal number. ( fem., / ri-ahh ) Translation: AROMA Definition: A distinctive pervasive and usually pleasant or savory smell or odor. As noted, the Hebrew letters themselves consist entirely of consonants. ( ) Action: Widen, Far Object: Tender, Long, Loins, Street Abstract: Width Definition: The reproductive organs of the male including the lower abdomen which are always covered. KJV Translations: arise, rise, shine, up Strong's Hebrew #: h.2224, ( masc., ) Translation: RISING.SUN Definition: The early morning appearence of the sun. KJV Translations: hornet Strong's Hebrew #: h.6880, ( common, / r.ah.b ) Translation: BE.HUNGRY (V) Definition: To have an urgent craving for food; famished. ( ) Definition: A scouring or polishing by rubbing. KJV Translations: palace, castle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0759, ( common, ) Translation: LIFT (V) KJV Translations: lift Strong's Hebrew #: h.7213, ( masc., ) Translation: RHINOCEROS Definition: A large land animal where some species have one horn (Latin: unicornis) and others have two (Latin: bicornis). KJV Translations: murmuring Strong's Hebrew #: h.8519, ( fem., ) Translation: SHOUTING Definition: A loud exclamation of triumph or joy. In Hebrew the character Resh is used to represent the number 200. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: coffer Strong's Hebrew #: h.0712, ( common, / r.g.l ) Translation: TREAD.ABOUT (V) Definition: To be on foot walking through a foreign land, usually in the sense of spying; to trample another with the tongue. ( ) Definition: One who follows a prescribed path to arrive at a specific destination. KJV Translations: purple, scarlet Strong's Hebrew #: h.0710 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0711, ( masc., / ar-ga-man ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. on the northern Syrian coast. KJV Translations: breadth, broad, thickness, largeness, thick, wilderness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7341, ( masc., ) Translation: WIDE.PLACE KJV Translations: large, breadth Strong's Hebrew #: h.4800, ( ) Relationship to Parent: being far, ( common, / r.hh.q ) Translation: BE.FAR (V) Definition: To be distant, a long way off. KJV Translations: gutter, trough, gallery Strong's Hebrew #: h.7298. Relationship to Root: As built in high places. Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, ) Translation: PANT (V) KJV Translations: pant, cry Strong's Hebrew #: h.6165, ( fem., ) Translation: BED Definition: [To be verified] A place to rest when tired. KJV Translations: secret Strong's Aramaic #: a.7328, ( fem., ) Translation: CYPRESS Definition: [To be verified] A tree similar to a cedar. Later, the pictograms evolved into a Hebrew script (sometimes called Paleo-Hebrew) that strongly resembled the ancient Phoenician alphabet.This was the Hebrew (ketav Ivri) used by the Jewish nation up to the Babylonian Exile (or, according to Orthodox Jews, until the Exodus from Egypt). Ayin (also ayn or ain; transliterated ) is the sixteenth letter of the Semitic scripts, including Phoenician ayin , Hebrew ayin , Aramaic , Syriac , and Arabic ayn (where it is sixteenth in abjadi order only). KJV Translations: creep, abundantly, move, breed, increase Strong's Hebrew #: h.8317, ( masc., / she-rets ) Translation: SWARMER Definition: The creature(s) of a large swarm. KJV Translations: merchant, trade, pant, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.5503, ( masc., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE Definition: [To be verified] Something that is traded. ( ) Definition: The inheritor becomes the head of the family. The spiritual number 200 means ZLion's Mouth [ (usually in a bad sense). Resh (r): head: first part, beginning . Relationship to Parent: being broken into pieces, ( common, / r.ah.ts ) Translation: DASH.TO.PIECES (V) Definition: To shatter into pieces by force. 01: "You are gods": What did Jesus mean? KJV Translations: beginnings Strong's Hebrew #: h.7222, ( fem., / me-ra-a-shah ) Translation: HEADREST Definition: A support for the head. As a talebearer. KJV Translations: ruin Strong's Hebrew #: h.2034, ( fem., ) Translation: RUIN Definition: [To be verified] A city that has been broken down into pieces. One who is abundant in authority such as a master or teacher. KJV Translations: get, gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.7408, ( masc., ) Translation: HORSE Definition: [To be verified] As a collection of beasts. We may postulate that Jews absorbed their veneration for the New Year from the Babylonian example. Combined these mean "man watches". ( ) Definition: One shows a cursing by spitting. KJV Translations: purple Strong's Hebrew #: h.0713. Option + 05B4. KJV Translations: moment, instant, space, suddenly, quiet Strong's Hebrew #: h.7281, h.7282, ( fem., ) Translation: REPOSE Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of rest. square-formed ancient letter, in those cases where translators have substituted an English letter with a different thought-vibratory rate, occult students use a true vibratory equivalent. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: itch, sun, earthen, potsherd, sherd, stone, earth, east Strong's Hebrew #: h.2775, h.2777, h.2789, ( common, / ah.r.ts ) Translation: TERRIFY (V) KJV Translations: afraid, fear, dread, terribly, break, affright, oppress, prevail, terrified Strong's Hebrew #: h.6206, ( fem., ) Translation: TERROR KJV Translations: terror Strong's Hebrew #: h.4637, ( masc., ) Translation: TERRIBLE KJV Translations: terrible, oppressor, mighty, power, strong, violent Strong's Hebrew #: h.6184, ( masc., ) Translation: CHASM Definition: [To be verified] A fearful place. It represents the 7th day of Shabbat (Sabbath), the day of rest and spirituality, which completes the process of the 6 days of creation. KJV Translations: shine, horns Strong's Hebrew #: h.7160, ( fem., / qe-ren ) Translation: HORN Definition: One of a pair of bony processes that arise from the head of many animals and used as a wind instrument. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: born, country, land, homeborn, nation, bay Strong's Hebrew #: h.0249, ( ) Definition: To go about to and fro trading precious merchandises. A feared animal. Relationship to Root: A relief from the heat from a wind. ( ) Definition: Something dysfunctional, wrong, evil or wicked. KJV Translations: ambushment, wait, lurking Strong's Hebrew #: h.3993, ( fem., / a-ru-bah ) Translation: CHIMNEY Definition: A vertical structure in a building and enclosing a flue or flues that carry off smoke. KJV Translations: pavement Strong's Hebrew #: h.7531, ( fem., ) Translation: PAVEMENT Definition: [To be verified] A road of stones. Ancient Hebrew alphabet: The early Semtic Hebrew alphabet and the paleo Phoenix Hebrew (Mesha stone engraved) alphabets consist 22 letters read from right to left . ( common, ) Translation: SPREAD (V) KJV Translations: subdue, spent, spread Strong's Hebrew #: h.7286, ( masc., ) Translation: MANTLE Definition: [To be verified] A wide piece of clothing. Alternate Translations: times (when in the double plural form) KJV Translations: foot, after, times, follow, toe, journey, leg Strong's Hebrew #: h.7272 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7271, ( fem., ) Translation: FOOT KJV Translations: foot Strong's Hebrew #: h.4772, ( masc., / rag-li ) Translation: ON.FOOT Definition: A soldier, messenger or traveler who moves on foot. ( common, / sh.r.ts ) Translation: SWARM (V) Definition: To move, as a large mass of creatures. ( ) Action: Whine, Soak Object: Lion, Drink Abstract: Fear Relationships: Related to to . Commonly used in the participle form meaning a feeder or shepherd. KJV Translations: way, path, highway, manner, race, rank, traveler, troop Strong's Hebrew #: h.0734, ( fem., ) Translation: CARAVAN Definition: A traveling company that follows a prescribed path. ( common, / r.y.b ) Translation: DISPUTE (V) Definition: To engage in argument; to dispute or chide another in harassment or trial. KJV Translations: favour, will, acceptable, delight, pleasure, accepted, desire, acceptance, selfwill Strong's Hebrew #: h.7522. Points and punctuation. KJV Translations: oblation Strong's Hebrew #: h.8642, ( fem., / ri-mah ) Translation: MAGGOT Definition: The larvae of flies. 09: Psalm 124 - Kept by the LORD. KJV Translations: company, insurrection Strong's Hebrew #: h.7285, ( common, / r.d.p ) Translation: PURSUE (V) Definition: To follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat; to pursue in chase or persecution. The ancient Hebrew letter "Resh", is the 20 th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and has the gematria number value of "200". KJV Translations: bore Strong's Hebrew #: h.7527, ( masc., / mar-tsey-a ) Translation: AWL Definition: A sharp pointed tool for piercing holes in leather or the skin. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7569, ( fem., ) Translation: CHAIN Definition: [To be verified] For binding together or as bound on the wrist or neck. ( ) Action: Rule, Spread, Ambush, Encourage, Strive Object: Master, Square, Sheet Abstract: Increase, Abundance, Pride Definition: Each family has a master that rules all cases, trials, conflicts and contests. Strong's Aramaic #: a.7412. The whole of the earth or a region. Evidence of design in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. ( masc., / te-raph ) Translation: FAMILY.IDOL Definition: A household idol of a god, possibly believed to have a healing power. KJV Translations: pasture, feedingplace Strong's Hebrew #: h.4829, ( masc., ) Translation: PURSUANT Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of hunting for good pastures. As carried on the wind. The Tarot, the ten Sephirot, the twenty-two Hebrew letters and paths on the Tree of Life The picture of a Tree of Life has to be an archetype in the human mind because from ancient times it appears in myths, legends and paintings from all around the world. Alternate Translations: dispossess (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: possession, out, inherit, heir, possession, succeed, dispossess, poverty, drive, enjoy, poor, expel Strong's Hebrew #: h.3423, ( fem., ) Translation: PROPERTY KJV Translations: possession Strong's Hebrew #: h.3424, ( masc., ) ( fem., / mo-ra-shah ) Translation: POSSESSION Definition: Something that is personally owned. KJV Translations: rest, divide, suddenly, break, ease, moment Strong's Hebrew #: h.7280, ( masc., / re-ga ) Translation: MOMENT Definition: A single point in time. Also, an archer as one abundant with arrows. ( ) Definition: Something broken or divided into pieces. Its origin as a geometrical symbol in Kabbalah is veiled in mystery. Zayin Hebrew Meaning - 7th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet The Zayin is shaped like a sword and is the symbol of spirit, sustenance, and struggle. A person in authority or role of leader. ( ) Definition: The flowing of a liquid. 2 For sin-dot and shin-dot, the letter " " (sin/shin) is used. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7242, ( common, / r.b.k ) Translation: FRY (V) KJV Translations: fry, bake Strong's Hebrew #: h.7246, ( ) Definition: The four sides of a square. KJV Translations: many, multiply, increase, more, manifold, thousand, shoot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7231, h.7232, ( fem., / re-va-vah ) Translation: MYRIAD Definition: A great abundance in numbers. KJV Translations: accept, please, pleasure, delight, enjoy, favourable, acceptable, accomplish, affection, approve Strong's Hebrew #: h.7521, ( masc., / ra-tson ) Translation: SELF.WILL Definition: Used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness. KJV Translations: neighbor, another, mate Strong's Hebrew #: h.7468, ( fem., ) Translation: PASTURE KJV Translations: pasture, flock Strong's Hebrew #: h.4830, ( masc., / mey-rey-a ) Translation: PARTNER Definition: One that shares. The End Was Revealed From the Beginning. ( common, / r.ah.ah ) Translation: BE.DYSFUNCTIONAL (V) Definition: Impaired or abnormal filling of purpose; to act wrongly by injuring or doing an evil action. KJV Translations: wealthy, run over Strong's Hebrew #: h.7310, ( ) Object: Form Abstract: Appearance, ( masc., ) Translation: FORM KJV Translations: form Strong's Aramaic #: a.7299. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( masc., ) Translation: CITADEL Definition: A large palace or fortress usually constructed in a high place.
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ancient hebrew resh symbol