do they still make chum gum

OMG! Chum gum lovers - You can make it yourself - no need to wait for someone to do it for you. What's funny is that my dad, who had it as a kid, HATED it; even the smell of it bothered him. Frozen Milkshake bars. Wonderful flavor and texture . Dubble Bubble was created by Fleer, through an employee who was named Walter Diemer. Blood clot, blood clot. I miss Bonkers. For the longest time I could buy it at a shop in my hometown of Kenosha , WI. I am in the same boat. Browse our massive selection to find classics or a new favorite! It was so much fun going to Freedom Park to the playground then walk up to Wad's to get the Chum Gum and a real cherry Coke at the fountain. $19.95. All other stick gum was 5 sticks for a nickel. Loved the gum also. I hadnt actually thought about them for a long time and found one bag hanging up. Does anyone know of anywhere that these retro bars can be found? White powdery coated soft bubble gum that blew bubbles the size of your whole face and ended up stuck there when they burst. They also have a list of discontinued candy and sadly, Chum Gum is one of them. I grew up in Danville, Californiasmall town, still relatively small, and the local 5 and dime store had it. I use to have it in my car and it made my car smell so good. I've looked for it for years! LOL!!! My mom went to put the clothe in thee dryer and came back and sat down in the chum gum again and got stuck again also so funny. Of the many penny candies we bought, we also bought Chum Gum. I wish they would make it again. I am very sorry that you have chosen to discontinue them. the flavor was unique. I'm from Weymouth Massachusetts and really miss the chum gum. Wacky Wafers are not on your list. Are squirrel nut still produced? I, too, am from Chicago, loved Chum Gum, and have friends who mostly have never heard of it. I have asked a lot of people in that era and they never heard of it. It had a unique and delicious taste. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! it tasted so good. like others on here, no one i've ever talked to about it remembers it. chum gum. Then I'd spit it out in Mrs. McCaffery's bushes next door, so I wouldn't get a different kind of chewing from Mom as I walked through the front door. If that sounds really familiar to what you know about Dubble Bubble, its because they were extremely similar. I only had it a handful of times after that, as I rarely found anywhere after that. As to why, we are not sure. No one that I know remembers this gum..can't figure that out! The longer that plaque and tartar remain on your teeth, the more they irritate the gingiva, the part of your gum around the base of your teeth, causing inflammation. Impossible to find anywhere. Sponsored. I grew up in Denver , Colorado and remember chum gum and ask people when the subject of gum comes upNO ONE remembers it at all here . I was and still would be my favorite. Yes, yes, yes! i think they were about 2x2 square. have looked for it for years. Man, how I'd love to see it back on the market. I have looked and looked and looked again. They would kill the market and make a lot of us so happy. I grew up in El Dorado, Arkansas and remember chewing Chum Gum! What was the gum back in the day that was square shaped and had gel in the middle There were only 6 pieces to a pack And it came in cinnamon . They would make lots of money. Anybody remember the Zebra Stripe Gum. The old ad piece may still be availablebelieve it was around $15. I would stop at the corner drug store and load up. Although the memories of those visits have faded with time, I will never forget my favorite, Chum-Gum! Thank you for letting my co-workers know I didn't make this up. I bought it in Alabama in the 50's and oh how I wish they would make it again!!! I am looking for a candy from my youth called Pond Scum. I am also a chum gum lover. I remember going by Brookside, a Mom & Pop store, daily gong and coming from school. Oh, and I'm also from the great windy city of Chicago! A hard candy that becomes soft like taffy upon chewing. When my Mom passed away, my sister and I were recalling the days when we were kids and unbelievable, but we spoke about the Chum Gum and how we'd fight over that dang stuff! Yesterday after my daughter's birthday dinner at Cracker Barrel, I happened upon that oh-so-delicious smell of Chum Gum in their store. Do you know what company manufactured them? You would think with all the baby boomers in the world who remember this gum (including me) someone would bring it back. it was the best texture and best tasting gum. I agree, chum gum was the best. Why did we complicate things??? Chum gum was always 2 sticks to a pack & it goes back to at least the mid 50s. I asked some of my friends do they remember the gum and they tell me they have never heard of it. Us and other G.I.s in or out of the field. Chiclets History Adams developed Chiclets over a century ago and it quickly became known as the candy coated gum. So, no luck there either What I am in search of is probably something that is no longer in production, anywhere, by anybody. CHUM GUM was the best! Is this a temporary thing?. Bring back. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK! Today, it's the Kenosha Job Center. I live in San Fernando Valley, Calif. I'd pay a dollar a stick if it was available. Other people remember "Chum Gum" and the "Happy Hollisters" books. it appears that there is still a HUGE interest in Chum Gum. I CAN STILL TASTE IT! I loved the blue gum all, the grape and the sour apple. I got to this page searching for Milkshake Bars. I only remember one of them selling Chum gum and that was on Millington Lane, right next to St Benedicts school. I got to get it every weekend at the skating rink in Cleveland they charged 2 sticks for a 5cents. There is NOTHING on the market like it , what a hit they would be !! And yes, just like someone before me said, right next to the hot dog gum. PLEASE. I discovered them recently only to find out, you ran out of them. Anyone have any ideas of anything that would? The gum is no longer made in the United States but rather in Morocco. They were soft like Starburst and they featured an inner flavor and an outer flavor. I've never forgotten how wonderful the taste was. It's no secret that bubble gum often doesn't really deliver. Two for a penny and with a dime i would fill my mouth with 20 sticks and chew until I couldn't move my jaw any more. I stay on the look out at Cracker Barrel, but nothing yet. I grew up in Memphis, TN. Like so many really cool products from the past, these most likely are gone for good. Chiclets Gum Memories I came from a very poor family. Thanks I think there were 3 pieces for a penny. So sad. They didn't have any, but, it was a good time anyway. Description Yes, CHUM GUM two sticks wrapped individually in a royal blue wrapper. I would so love to have chum gum back1. Cinnamon and spearmint, especially. : . They have never heard of it. I am from Texas and I used to buy it from a little Mom and Pop Grocery store that was across the street from my house! I miss it so much. Production of it ended by 1972, though stores had bought bulk, continuing to sell it for years after. Also missing the cherry hump bars. I have wanted some Wacky Wafers for quite some time now. God I miss this gum. :). I've NEVER run across anything similar to that in all my years. I remember getting my allowance and running down the street to the gas station and buying Chum Gum, then going home and hiding it under my bed so I would'nt have to share. i was 3 yrs old and i remember stealing candy from the 7-11 and some of it was chum gum.. the clerk call the police, not becuase i was stealing but becuase i was at the store alone. I remember the taste and smell so well. In the mid 80s, my sister and I were driving near Folsom and we made a special trip to that general store just to see if they had any Chum Gum. Didn't it start out with 3 or 4 sticks to a pack, then it was reduced to 2? The smell, the taste - best ever. NOT KitKats - Kits - those square wrapped taffys -in banana, chocolate, strawberry flavors - I think they came three to a package. I wonder what it would take for the bubble gum world powers to crank out some more of that wonderful tasting stuff? Wish I could offer a better answer and havent seen this product in many years. Is Chum Gum even made any longer? Along with many others I too would interested being contacted if it is available again. The big secret of Chum Gum's great flavor was that it was stick shaped bubble gum, and each stick was coated with powdered sugar. It was like nothing else Ive ever tasted and was delicious! Sometimes I can still smell it. Stir mixture and put back in for 5-10 seconds intervals until completely melted. I am 56 and have grandkids. CHUM GUM HAD A TASTE ALL IT'S OWN.I GREW UP ON IT. The taste was phenomenol,sure wish they would make it again, it was the best. Thank you! In time, your gums become swollen and bleed easily. Please somebody make it again before I leave this world! So freaking sad. I am from Huntley outside of Chicago. I tried Jr Caramels but they are not the same they are too soft and gooey and Milk Duds are too hard LOL, can we get the marathon bars back? I was only seven back then, but anytime the subject turns to candy when we were kids, Chum Gums were the first youd hear from me! If we found an empty soda bottle, we would redeem it at Wright's market in Dansville, Ny for the 2 cents and buy some Chum Gum. I loved them. I can remember going to the corner store that was across from my school.I would go there after school and buy this gum,those were best days of my life Tina. I used to buy Chum Gum in a little town in north Georgia. Elementary school. Stay United Chum Gum Lovers! I remember them so well from my childhood. Omg. I'm amazed at how many people actually know about it. Hmmm? In the 1990s, Skittles came in the form . If our proceeds were an odd number, we would buy a one cent Chum Gum with the odd penny because it had two pieces of gum and we could split the penny. And Sqeeze pops only lasted three years. I grew up on a street in the LA area in the 60s and 70s. , The reason why this is no longer on the market is that the FDA found it was causing even more gum erosion than pain it was felt to be relieving! I should be able to find them today. Also miss marathon bars.nothing today comes close! Treasure Island lasted from 1962 to 1977. I lived in Cheverly, Maryland 64-74, we would collect soda bottles to cash in and buy candy at 7-11. It was/is the best flavored gum to date. I do remember a beechnut gum that was striped. Waaaaah! The best gum ever for blowing bubbles. Someone needs to get Fleer to either release the formula to a small batch candy maker or do some batches themselves! Everyone said the same things I have thought for years about Chum Gum- I do miss it. Sadly, these were discontinued many . We used to smash the frozen ones and eat the little frozen bite size pieces. And I couldnt blame them!!!) I'm sooo happy to see that others remember Chum Gum, There was a small corner store in North Buffalo called "Heevey's" and they carried the best penny candy around!! But I'd rather chew Chum Gum. Bought it at the corner market. Somebody bring it backthey have brought everything else back from beechies to violet why not chum gum? 52chum. I'll bet if you could find a stick, chew it, you would turn into an eight year old, like a twlight zone episode. Chum Gum is one that many of you might remember. I also grew up in Chicago. Already been to Walmart, Target, and several grocery chains, no one has them. It was the very best bubble gum, and it smelled so good in my purse. However, in 1928, they used that idea to create Dubble Bubble, which is where the true fame and sensation of Fleers bubble gum works began. Miss my Chum Gum, though. I am looking for those childhood Raspberry Dollars !!! Everyone I've ever mentioned it to has never heard of it. It never lost it's flavor and the smell was heavenly. I am the bubblegum queen and I used to tell my dates they had to bring me a bag of bubblegum when they came to pick me up for a date. Since Chum Gum was only around for a limited time, and that was mostly before the days of internet, its a bit challenging to find a lot of history for the brand. Nothing today even compares to it. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF AND WHERE IT IS AVAILABLE NOW??? Mighty Gum Immunity $16.00 Mighty Gum's chewing candy contains a ton of natural, germ-fighting extracts, like ashwagandha, elderberry, and reishi mushroom. Bummer! OK Soda (History, Marketing & Commercials), Yorkie Bar (History, Flavors & Commercials), Click here for a full A-Z list of Snacks and Candy, VINTAGE CANDY CO. 1970s RETRO CANDY GIFT BOX - 70s Nostalgia Candies - Flashback SEVENTIES Fun Gag Gift Basket - PERFECT '70s Candies For Adults, College Students, Men or Women, Kids, Teens. The one thing that amazes me as i read all the comments, and they are great memories, is how widespread the distribution of Chum Gum was back then. History does not state if Fleer "borrowed" the name, or any legal problems because of it. I believe many of the candy requests are sold there, my girlfriend enjoys Necco wafers, which they stock in many flavors. I'd buy fifteen sticks for a nickel from the corner store outside Riley Elementary in Muncie, Indiana. Beetroot is high in sugar but is considered one of the most nutritious veggies used in salads and soups. Chum Gum was the best everI am 42 and from Chicago I also have been searching for years, just asked a retro candy store yesterday and said he can't locate either. This preceded Fleer's product by 13 years. My brother and I would collect pop bottles in the 50s and early 60s. I too have been trying to find it without success. Mint humbugs were a British candy. It was a great gum!! They were in a white pack that blue writing with individual pieces. You can make some handy chum blocks doing this. I enjoyed them when I was a kid from the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Most of the time it was all chum gum for me. Live in Indy, would walk past a neighborhood store on way to school bus stop, I always got some Chum Gum before getting on bus. How am I going to keep him happy now? Bring nack our childhood memories. Used to be able to get it at ONE and only one ice cream place in Virginia. None of my peers heard of it so I thought I was crazy. I grew up in Wilmington NC & remember buying CG @ 3 sticks for a penny. They had a penny candy counter there and I ALWAYS bought Chum-Gum. Id give my eyeteeth for just one more spin with Chum Gum. Yum yum chum gum!!! The inner wrappers white and the gum was pink. why dont we all ask fleer to remake this wonderful GUM. Can't belive it. I still remember the red two stick gum. It was the BEST gum ever!! The good news is that memories remain. I have been looking for chum gum to get for my brother. It was so yummy. Worst decision to make on candy maker. I also remember Chum Gum. Just the smell through the wrapper would make my mouth water. The closest I have come to that taste is Great Value (Walmart, sad to say) Strawberry Banana yogurt. I also loved Chum Gum and used to buy it in the early '70s. While its no longer here, you can reminisce with Dubble Bubble and appreciate the time it was here and successful. !BRING IT BACK FOR THEM TO TRY!!!!:). Bet I could have a large market for it. Answer From Elizabeth Rajan, M.D. Someone else said that thosewere the carefree days when we had no problems and life was easy. Hi, I got married in 2005. Chum Gum was the best! Wonka stretchy and tangy laffy taffy. What happened to the large size Atomic Fireballs? People think I am making up the name. I'D BUY ALL HE HAD. Whenever we talk about the good old days, this Chum Gum always comes up in the conversation. I was just talking about this gum yesterday! Please help I love them. My boyfriend's parents owned a small grocery store and I swear I dated him for the gum! And also does any one remember the sputnik gum - round blue gumball with sugar coating? Long lasting flavor and makes great bubbles. Were the two flavors similar? I sure wish they still made it. Wish they would bring it back, along when life was simple and carefree. Used to visit that Topps store with my mother, as a kid. :Can't be his heart, then. I used to buy it in my home town of Pine Ridge SD! Oh yes, good Lord, I thought I had lost my mind or was having hallucinations and here there's a whole club of people with the Chum Gum jones, just like me! 11. Thank You. they were fantastic and the start to my love of sour candies, and theyre gone. Yum, the smell and powdery coating, the texture and great bubbles. One day at the laundry mat I stuck my chum gum on her seat and watched her sat down in the huge wad of chum gum. I recall the sugar coated blue gum! When I was 7or8 chum gum was 3 sticks for a penny. Thanks for the memories. Wow! Oh, I bought my Chum Gum in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We really miss it. I use to do anything to earn money so I could walk to a little store three blocks to buy chum gum. Chum Gum was made by Fleer. Yep I also grew up on chum gum and until recently haven't found anything close, but check out Ford Gum company and the gum called bologna and hotdog gum is as close as I've found.I got it in Santa Fe New Mexico at Walgreens. The flavor didn't last long, but it was unique! Wow, I live outside of Pittsburgh Pa and loved Chum Gum. Grew up in what is now called Roscoe Village and had to pass Gus's Sweet Shop every day to and from school. Never been anything close to how good it was. The gum itself was Hot Pink in color and had the most unique flavor. I wish it would come back. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, I WOULD APPRECIATE THE INFO. There has never been before or after that is better that Chum Gum. old, and I remember buying Chum Gum from my Uncle's country store in Partlow, Va. It must have been true cinnamon. Good times :). I remember the gum in pink too but blue was better!!! i use to walk to my corner store and buy the individual sticks for a penny a piece. Passed it every day walking home from Forest Hills elementary school. I am know 47 and haven't seen Chum Gum in at least 30 years. Bring these back and with proper marketing they will be successful. I wish Tootsie Roll administrators could see the number of people searching for this gum. Oh my gosh, I have dreamed of Chum Gum for years. We had Chum Gum in Dallas Texas in the 60's. . Life was simple and sweet. Wish they would bring it back. My brother use to comment about it. I'm 59 now and smoke cigars. I can not believe all of these comments, I wish I could find this gum it smells and tastes so good. In the 50's and into the 60's Chum Gum did come 3 pieces for a penny. Pam: The original maker of Chum Gum was Fleer. They were real memories. I was beginning to think I dreamed it all up. Im from Boston and Any time I ask people if they remember chum gum people think Im making it up! Milky Ways dont even come close. They don't make em like they used to. Me and my sister would collect empty soda bottles becaus you got a penny a piece return on them. For the most part, these came in either 2 sticks or 5 sticks to a pack. Altoids more than most. It is such a relief to know that there are others out there that know about this gum, because when I bring it up to people they don't know what I am talking about, it is great to know you guys are out there and fans of chum gum. I am 61 yrs. They no longer make them. That pink color set the stage and bubble gums continue to follow that grand design. Several years ago a similar item was made by Starburst in candy corn flavors, much like yours appear to be. I have ordered them by the pound, so I could get enough to last him a year at a time. I loved Chum Gum!! Please, please, please get them Hollywood candy bars back that say it all. Do you think we could start a fan club???? I still remember the royal blue wrapper with a kid's silhouette on it blowing a big bubbleand the gum itself was the pinkest of pinkand you got TWO sticks for a penny. I grew up in Hyattsville md in the 60's and Chum gum was the BEST !! I am 58 and I recall it very well when I was in grade school. I used to buy chum gum 2 sticks for a penny and would save up a nickel in pennies to get more at a time, I lived in the hills of West Virginia and walked to the old gas station/grocery store on Saturday afternoon after westerns and cartoons were over on tv. I have been typing chum gum in seach engines now and again hoping it would spark a memory or a location where I may purchase it. The candy bars they make now are so small and do not taste as good. Now I would pay 2 sticks for a buck if I could find it. 1980 was the last time I found Chum Gum. I grew up in Buffalo New York, and my brother and I would always go to the corner store just for Chum gum. (I'm 57 now) Let me know what you think. A case of Wacky Wafers given to his TA got him home for our wedding. I have been telling my kids about Chum Gum and how I wish I could find it for them to experience. I could not believe the comments! :). I miss you, Chum Gum. I would bring it to school in the sixties I am 57 now and that gum was damn good! It was the best!Bring it back! Sure wish Fleer would produce this again. Also coated with powdered sugar. We also used Dippity Doo on our hair and Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific! The Marathon candy bar IS still available, it is now called the Curly Wurly, is made by Cadbury and is available on the internet, comes to you from England. I'm almost 60 and sure wish I could chew a piece. Let's start a petition to bring back our beloved Chum Gum.

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do they still make chum gum