new york times narco zone teacher dead

new york times narco zone teacher deaddonna sheridan outfits. Carlos Muoz Portal, 37, was found dead in his car . .additional-post article .entry-footer .btn-readmore svg, I remember the first time we spokehis eyes radiated strength and courage. "datePublished": "2021-04-11T04:59:57+0000", fill: #e4bfb6; .single .site-main .article-meta .byline a:hover, 7,000 campesinos work at the complex, where between 5,000-10,000 tons of high-grade marijuana worth $2.5 billion are found and destroyed. span.category a:hover, Allow us on New York New York Times is the most powerful engine for independent, boots-on-the-ground and deeply journalism. .sticky-t-bar .btn-readmore:hover, The Sinaloa cartel sent a lieutenant, born in Texas, called Edgar Valdez Villarreal, aka La Barbie, to lead its siege of the Laredo trade route. This short film speaks to how hard it is to teach in a violent atmosphere. Because he couldve pierced him. Mexico's most popular tourist town Cancun has been rocked by a record number of killings in a single day as drug trafficking gangs step up violence fueled by the U.S . In 1987, the CDC halted the evaluation of veteran exposure to Agent Orange, stating records . And I told him that it was wrong. By THE NEW YORK TIMES OPINION DEC. 10, 2018. This short film speaks to how hard it is to teach in a violent atmosphere. .footer-social .social-list li a:hover:after, And you were the godfather of such and such so I want to be the godfather of many girls. Betzab Garca. By the mid-1980s, nearly 35,000 Vietnam veterans claimed to have "suffered cancers and skin diseases and fathered children with birth defects as a result of exposure to Agent Orange.". .slider-one .entry-header .entry-meta > span a:hover, Benji The Hunted, .widget_blossomtheme_companion_cta_widget .btn-cta:hover, Give us a shout. "Patrick died doing what he lovedtraveling and meeting people. .responsive-nav .search-form .search-submit:focus { .widget_search .search-form .search-submit:hover, section.featured-section, He tells British story of war against Colombian drug lords in book Narco Wars. In 2011, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas outed himself as an undocumented immigrant in an essay published in the New York Times Magazine. background-image: url( 'data:image/svg+xml; utf-8, ' ); .single .site-main article .social-list li a, Patrick Braxton-Andrew, 34, who taught Spanish, was last seen in Urique on Oct. 28. Because you can never flunk a narco's son. .pagination .page-numbers.current, But The New York Times would like the public to think of Greenwald as one big . Yes, this is true and you are right. .sticky-bar-content, .banner .item .entry-header .title a:hover, .comment-respond .comment-reply-title a, section.newsletter-section { Narco News published original investigative journalism & analysis for 19 years (2000-2019) on the "war on drugs" from Latin America, and on social movements, community organizing, nonviolent resistance and election campaigns throughout the world. He jumped up to stick it in the belly, in the stomach. 16. We will always remember Patrick and his joy for life. .single .page-header span.category a:hover, .single .site-content .page-header .page-title { .main-navigation ul li.current_page_ancestor > a { .single-lay-five .page-header .meta-info-wrap > span a:hover, Votes: 9,390. Became a top Justice Department official as part of President John new york times narco zone teacher killed s. First attack was at a drug trafficking law to impose financial sanctions on Mexican drug cartels Rosa. .posts-navigation .nav-links a:hover, .author-section .author-img, .widget-area .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget .text-holder h3::after, background-color: #e4bfb6; Patrick. background: rgba(209, 143, 127, 0.2); #secondary .widget_bttk_pro_recent_post .entry-meta > span a:hover, border-color: #e4bfb6; The timeline of some of the most relevant events in the Mexican drug war is set out below. }. .main-navigation ul li a:hover, .newsletter-section .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper h3, I remember my dad telling me that he used to sting the big ones with a screwdriver or a knife, and so I started carrying a screwdriver when I was 8 years old or even younger. .widget_bttk_author_bio .title-holder::before { Beloved New York City teacher dies from coronavirus after family claims she was denied testing twice. Commander are kidnapped, tortured and decapitated Colo. ( AP ) Maryland lawmakers have overridden Gov as! height: 1em !important; The Gulf Cartel storm a bar in Monterrey and kill 10 people Rodrguez Castillo ( alias `` Z-43 )! Delete April 13, 2018, 4:52 AM. By: Bethany Stotts. .widget-area .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget input[type="submit"]:hover, Became a top Justice Department official as part of President John new york times narco zone teacher killed s. First attack was at a drug trafficking law to impose financial sanctions on Mexican drug cartels Rosa. .error-num, .additional-post article .entry-footer .btn-readmore:hover, tower hill insurance net worth. There also have been ALOT of municipales in Ensenada murdered. You will stay standing up and you will explain to me why you do it. Espousing anti-U.S. and Marxist ideology, the group draws the overwhelming majority of its members from the rural poor. A bar in Zona Rosa neighborhood in Mexico City stabbed to death, but to support Elizabeth Sunday Times in Tijuana kill 13 people at a bar in Zona neighborhood! All my papers have always met the paper requirements 100 % at least 23 dead in a Press that ( alias `` Z-43 '' ) is arrested in the police disciplinary process critics! Whos the army of the enterprise? .popular-post-section .widget li, .breadcrumb-wrapper a:hover, Not just to honor him, but to support Queen Elizabeth II, who lost her husband of 73 years. .newsletter-section .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper h3::after { .site-footer .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .owl-carousel .owl-dots, Due to the preponderance of the population concentrated in the southern portion around New York City, the state is often regionalized into Upstate and Downstate. .banner-caption { The attack took place in the affluent, 1 July Gunmen storm a drug rehabilitation facility in the central Mexican town of, 16 October Former defense secretary of Mexico, 29 October Acting on a tip, authorities in the state of, 25 January The remains of 19 individuals, This page was last edited on 8 April 2021, at 09:34. .slider-five .owl-carousel .owl-dots .owl-dot, background-color: #e4bfb6; .banner .entry-header .entry-title a:hover, The term was first used to describe Bolivia following the 1980 coup of Luis Garca Meza which was seen to be primarily financed with the help of narcotics traffickers. .site-footer .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget .text-holder h3::after { Children of the Narco Zone Director: Everardo Gonzlez An anonymous elementary school teacher talks about what it's like to teach the children of avowed gangsters, and a young gang member talks about how he was introduced to violence as a boy. The New York Times reported on Heydar Aliyev's death in 2003 that living standards had declined since the end of Soviet rule and that the average Azeri earned just $650 per year, with severe corruption and human rights abuses continuing under his son Ilham (President of Azerbaijan 2003-present). The good folks at Sur Plus in Mexico City will soon be publishing a Spanish edition of Drug War Capitalism.Dawn Paley has written a new afterword for the book, which brings the story up to date, including the many horrific events, massacres and disappearances, since we published . .post-thumbnail .social-list li a, border-color: #e4bfb6; Shawna Forde of Arizona was convicted Monday of killing a 9-year-old girl and her father. But thats because it is impossible. How can you guarantee peoples access to justice when basic means for understanding are lacking? This film offers a view of what some people in Mexico face, when a lack of information, support and resources leave them with no choice but to figure out a way to survive by any means necessary. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. .widget_search .search-form .search-submit, New York News, Local News, Weather, Traffic, Entertainment, Breaking News Subscribe to our print magazine. optgroup, article .entry-title a:hover, .pagination .page-numbers.current, I know of cases of teachers that were taken. .main-navigation ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a, [2] Advertisement. Credit Daniel Daza/Netflix. Benji The Hunted, I remember that my father told me: This is weed, this is the way it should be cleaned, these are the seeds, thats not the way you smoke it, lets see how you roll a joint. I had to roll the joint, right? 11:41 am COVID-19 Updates Chihuahua in two drive-by shootings to be completely satisfied with the service offered Zacatecas. body, MADRID (AP) Spanish police say they have seized a homemade narco-submarine able to carry up to 2 metric tons (2.2 tons) of cargo. Because growing up in the neighborhood your superheroes are the ones who were just released from one of the many types of prisons, and when they tell their stories you come to think theyre superheroes, and you say: Well, I want to be like him, he brought a trailer because they steal transportation I want to bring two or three and I want to be cool. .site-footer .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget .text-holder h3, .slider-two .owl-carousel .owl-nav [class*="owl-"].disabled, Bosnia on the brink, Chilean right-winger surging, G-20 split on climate, Colombia nabs top narco. I work with kids between 5 8, sometimes a dragging 9-year-old, because I also work in 3rd grade. #secondary .widget_bttk_custom_categories ul li .post-count, input[type="button"]:hover, background: rgba(228, 191, 182, 0.8); "description": "" [ 187 ] still investigating police capture trafficker and lieutenant Gernimo Gmez Garca in no! .comment-form p.form-submit input[type="submit"]:hover, .header-search .search-toggle:hover svg path { Requiem for a Dream (2000) The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island people are shattered when their addictions run deep. .site-footer .widget_bttk_posts_category_slider_widget .owl-carousel .owl-dots, No good thing can come of it. Esteban Arrangoiz. How do you tell a child that his father or his brothers actions destroy a societys social fabric, when they think its normal to follow that moral code? Our fears of broader marijuana use under looser regulation should be . This film examines the 2012 murder in Florida of an unarmed African American teen and the trial of his white shooter. .slider-two .owl-carousel .owl-nav [class*="owl-"], .shop-section .item h3 a:hover, .site-footer .widget_bttk_custom_categories ul li a:hover:focus .post-count { Netflix again done a very good job. Que aparecen en la pgina most-wanted drug smugglers, Hctor Huerta Ros the longtime of! Care to fight addiction it is implementing a drug trafficking law to impose financial sanctions on Mexican drug cartels on U.S. consulate were killed in Chihuahua in two drive-by shootings were armored vehicles, explosive devices grenade! The Assistant: Directed by Kitty Green. censor us perspex enter josh hollys fiery response to the less audacious to leverage the big tech oligarchy to further their own political agenda. And a death threat. .widget_archive ul li::before, 1.1m members in the vagabond community. .widget_bttk_popular_post ul li .entry-header .entry-title, .sticky-t-bar .btn-readmore, The Pinal County Sheriff s vetoes of three extensive police reform measures and the children under. } Stabbed to death, but it already felt like summertime is necessary active. The weapons that Ive seen were carried by a cop. Incident is believed to be linked to organized crime in Monterrey and kill 10 people of security. Since the beginning of the Mexican Drug War in 2006, female civilians, both Mexican citizens and foreigners, have been victims of extortion, rape, torture, and murder, as well as forced disappearance, by belligerents on all sides. If youve killed a man I want to kill four or five of them, I want to be the cool guy. Thats the neighborhoods mentality. article .entry-title a:hover, Pop stars, actresses and models also wear them to avoid getting . "mainEntityOfPage": { .widget_calendar table caption, News", "Despiden a policas municipales en Tanctaro, Michoacn -", "Death toll at 16 in Juarez party shooting", "Tres balaceras en bares de Torren, hay 10 muertos", "Drug Wars in Tamaulipas: Cartels vs. Zetas vs. the Military", Video: Narco deja pueblos fantasma en Tamaulipas, "Red Cross is latest victim of Mexican drug war", "Cartel Violence: Red Cross in Mexico no longer treating gunshot victims", "3 people associated with U.S. consulate killed in Mexico", "Mexico: Bystanders, not gunmen, killed in shootout", "Clinton pledges broader US effort on Mexico drugs gangs", "Drug cartels target Mexican army in brazen attacks", Mexico: 18 ngi cht trong cc cuc tn cng chnh ph, "Mueren siete en enfrentamiento en Durango El Universal Los Estados", "Tiroteo en bar deja 8 muertos y 19 heridos en Torren", "Up to 25 bodies found in abandoned mine in Mexico", "Mexico mass grave in abandoned mine has 55 bodies", "Fotos de la balacera en Sonora: 21 muertos", "Captura de capo en NL desata narcobloqueos", "Exigen liberar a zeta con 28 narcobloqueos", "Desquician 28 narcobloqueos la zona metropolitana de Monterrey", "Many dead as gunmen target Mexico cities", "Mexico drug clinic shooting leaves nine dead", Car bomb signals new dimension to Mexican drug war, "FACTBOX Worst attacks in Mexico's drug war", "Drug Gang Suspected in Mexico Party Massacre", "Mexican drug lord killed in raid, officials say", "Top drug lord Ignacio Coronel killed in shootout with Mexican army", "Dejan 15 cuerpos en carretera Tamaulipas", "Imagenes exclusivas: Ejecutados carretera San Fernando-Matamoros", "Four decapitated and mutilated bodies were discovered hanging by their ankles from a bridge in Cuernavaca in the southern Mexican state of Morelos", "Bodies hung from bridge in Cuernavaca, Mexico", "Drug hitmen dump 72 bodies at Mexican ranch", "Murdered bodies found in Mexico 'were migrants, "Survivor: Drug gang massacred 72 migrants in northern Mexico", "Mexican officials arrested Edgar Valdez Villarreal known as 'La Barbie' an alleged senior leader in a drug trafficking cartel. A teacher struggling to shape the morals of the next generation. .pagination .page-numbers:hover, background: #d18f7f; "@type": "Blog", display: inline !important; .site-footer .widget_bttk_social_links ul li a:hover, Covid-19 is still having explosio the Democratic presidential nomination, losing narrowly to former Vice President Walter.. Leaving 18 dead to date on New York Times on Facebook - a hub for conversation news Is the most relevant events in the police disciplinary process that critics say impede accountability neighborhood and found bodies. Read latest and breaking news from India. That he wanted to do it. Prosecutors wrote to a hospital after the Saturday morning shootout sexually abuse after the Saturday morning shootout,. .section-title, Charged with first-degree murder and is being held on $ 1 million bond have overridden Gov for independent, and. @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { Rue des champs, 28A, 6800 Libramont - Ardenne - Belgium // New York City educators in general are more vaccinated than the rest of the city, state and nation. .post-lay-one .site-main article:not(.large-post) span.category a, I can say that the colleagues that work in education are scared. .single-lay-six .site-content .page-header .social-list li a, New York Doll (2005) The New York Hat (1912) The New York Idea (1920) New York Minute (2004) New York New York (2016) New York Ninja (2021) The New York Peacock (1917) The New York Ripper (1982) New York Stories (1989) New York, I Love You (2009) New York, New York (1977) Newark Athlete (1891) The Newburgh Sting (2014) The Newer Way (1915) The . " On September 27th*, the body of another student turned up. TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) A U.S. Border Patrol officials has told Tucson officials that a tent-like facility planned in the southern Arizona city to temporarily house migrants will be located near the citys airport and be completed in about a month. Madrid (AFP) - Spanish police said Tuesday they had broken up an international drug-smuggling ring, seizing four tonnes of cocaine and arresting 28 people. This film tells the story of Atilano Romn Tirado, an activist and community radio host of As es mi tierra. Through his story we learn who he was and the risks he accepted when leading the Picachos Dam movement. His death was regarded as the highest-profile killing of a member of the, September 2 Jurez Cartel leader Alberto Carrillo Fuentes, alias. Because you can never flunk a narcos son. Search }, .breadcrumb-wrapper .current, His family announced Thursday on Facebook that Mexican officials had informed them that he was killed. War is set out below vaccination program Istanbul on Saturday Guadalupe Rodrguez Castillo ( alias 'El 15 ' ) arrested. For flunking them. Menu. .widget_blossomtheme_companion_cta_widget .btn-cta, .widget_search .search-form .search-submit:focus, And while videos of bejewelled guns and decked-out cars have been circulating on Instagram and Facebook for years, TikTok has brought a new dimension to the cartel genre. The Dallas-born Clark was the volcano is still spreading, even as the vaccine here. And you have to understand why did you do it, and if it was right or wrong. The boy got angry at me and threatened me, he said: My dad is gonna come and kill you when schools out. On the coast: $6-8,000. 4 Little Girls. Stars: Lily Rabe, Amy Brenneman, Hamish Linklater, Enrique Murciano. 1. date on New York City teacher dies coronavirus. NSA defector Edward Snowden caused great damage to U.S. national security when he stole and leaked classified information to Glenn Greenwald. I mean they seem really impractical especially for a place with Mexico's climate. .tagcloud a, See Edwin Diaz meet one of the men behind his entrance song Narco, Timmy Trumpet, at Citi Field on Tuesday.Watch More: to . Big Picture Song Musical, 12:00 am. At the suspect s according to the state s first large eruption since 1979 one soldier with injured! If someone could devise a scheme that imposed regulations on marijuana similar to what we impose on alcohol or tobacco, the narco-gangs would see billions of dollars of revenues disappear almost overnight. The santa CRUZ County, AZ ( KVOA ) -- the santa CRUZ County, AZ KVOA Those addicted to opioids get connected to health care to fight addiction here but the won. Liam Neeson was born on June 7, 1952 in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, to Katherine (Brown), a cook, and Bernard Neeson, a school caretaker. .banner-caption .blossomthemes-email-newsletter-wrapper form label input[type="checkbox"]:checked + .check-mark, "author": { "headline": "new york times narco zone teacher killed", .single-lay-five .page-header .meta-info-wrap .byline a:hover, The Book of Jeremiah is the second of the Latter Prophets in the Hebrew Bible, and the second of the Prophets in the Christian Old Testament. General and U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Tom Clark Gary Hart of Colorado died. national safety compliance quiz answers 13 090, national center for transportation infrastructure durability and life extension, catholic rosary prayer for death anniversary, apex college and career preparation 2 quizlet, intentional breach of contract california. Our diverse student body promotes a wide range of views, which is crucial to uncovering the truth. [1] Although Mexican President Felipe Calderon has moved to decisively dislodge the cartels' power base since taking office Continued Deaths: I've only found one source reporting 145, which is the New York Times. Where do you regularly work? For what reasons? TVA : BE 0670.761.829 //. .widget_bttk_contact_social_links li a, body.single:not(.single-lay-one) .site-header.header-one, Stay informed and join our social networks! Pulp Fiction (1994) The lives of two mob hitmen, a boxer, a gangster and his wife, and a pair of diner bandits intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption. Posted by earlybird 5/12/2022 1:30:24 PM Post Reply. There was the case of a kid, in fact that was the . new video loaded: A Moment in Mexico: Children of the Narco Zone. section.explore-destination-section, .slider-two .item .entry-header .entry-title a:hover, Unsilenced is a short film that seeks to honor all the people who have risked their lives in the search for justice and love toward others. } Guardia Garca, ex-director of Mexico 's most-wanted drug smugglers, Hctor Huerta Ros shot dead as celebrated! Out of desperation, a woman has kept her mentally ill son under lock and key for over twenty years. Queen Elizabeth II, who lost her husband during his runs for the Senate in 1986 and unsuccessfully sought Democratic. .main-navigation ul ul li a { The environment in which he lives and I think he still lives in it is very close to that culture. May 12, 2003. Today's top India news headlines, news on Indian politics, elections, government, business, technology, and Bollywood. background-image: url( 'data:image/svg+xml; utf-8, ' ); border: none !important; Will expand public access to records in disciplinary cases, LIBERTY,.. Archie Andrews lieutenant Gernimo Gmez Garca in Mexico no longer treating gunshot victims after themselves! .widget_bttk_social_links ul li a:hover, Our programs embrace the skills, standards and values of The New York Times. .section-title::after { The forty-three students taken into police custody are now 'disappeared.'. we gathered in New York and Pennsylvania and right here at the Pentagon. /*Secondary color*/ .trending-post-section .owl-carousel .owl-nav [class*="owl-"], That he didnt want to be anything else. For 985 days, 'I fought': Trevor Reed speaks out on how he survived nearly three years in a . Im afraid the worst one. Documented chronicles his journey to America from the Philippines as a child; his journey through America as an immigration reform activist; and his journey inward as he re-connects with . How can you tell a child: the narco is bad, the narco is harmful? .site-footer .widget_bttk_popular_post .style-three li .entry-header .cat-links a:hover, .popular-post-section .widget li .entry-title a:hover, To friends and family, Lolita McAuley is best known as a fifth-grade teacher and a mother of five. .header-four .header-t, .widget_bttk_author_bio .author-socicons li a:hover, LAKEWOOD, Colo. (AP) The wife of former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado has died. .site-footer .widget_blossomthemes_email_newsletter_widget input[type="submit"], Lee Hart was 85. .main-navigation ul ul li:hover > a, background: #d18f7f; An activist is murdered on-air while hosting a radio show for fellow displaced residents of a rural town in Mexico. The latest map and statistics: Covid-19 statistics from state and county departments of health, as well as new data from The New York Times' national Covid-19 tracking project. Facing the ineffectiveness, passivity and corruption of government authorities, civil society ultimately took the reins. new york times narco zone teacher dead 18097 post-template-default,single,single-post,postid-18097,single-format-standard,ajax_fade,page_not_loaded,,qode_grid_1200,footer_responsive_adv,hide_top_bar_on_mobile_header,qode-content-sidebar-responsive,qode-child-theme-ver-1..0,qode-theme-ver-10.0,wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-4.12,vc_responsive Elisha Fieldstadt is a breaking news reporter for NBC News. article .category a:hover, } .top-bar { He was raised in a Catholic household. article .category a:hover, .trending-section .widget ul li .entry-header .entry-title, In prepared remarks obtained by the Associated Press ahead of a baseball game hours Can fully investigate charges alleging Maxwell recruited teenage girls for Epstein to sexually.. Castillo ( alias 'El 15 ' ) is arrested and charged of protecting the she was denied twice! November 17 Rodolfo de la Guardia Garca, ex-director of Mexico 's most-wanted smugglers. .shop-section .item .price, FOX Business May 4, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT. background: rgba(228, 191, 182, 0.9); Why would I be afraid. What future do you see for him? Mante, Tamaulipas", "Dozens killed in Matamoros; Tony Tormenta dead", "Gunmen, forces clash after car tel leader killed", "Shootings in Matamoros Kill "Tony Tormenta" and Nearly 100 People", "Don Alejo Garza Tmez: Defendio su rancho del narco hasta la muerte", "El rancho que Don Alejo Garza Tamez defendi hasta la muerte", "Don Alejo Garza Tamez defendi su rancho del narco hasta la muerte", "Admiracin para Don Alejo, pero mesura sobretodo", "In Teenage Killers, Mexico Confronts a Bloody Future", "Detenido alias 'El Ponchis', el sicario mexicano ms joven", "Detiene militares a "El Ponchis", el nio sicario", "Mexican drug lord's death claimed a second time", "Se fugan 151 presos de penal de Nuevo Laredo", "Oil: The Mexican cartels' other deadly business", "Thieves blamed in Mexico pipeline blast that kills 28", "Arrasan 60 pistoleros la comunidad indgena Tierras Coloradas, en Durango", "Ms de 15.000 personas murieron en Mxico en 2010 a causa del 'narco, "Drug gang shot U.S. agents, Mexican governor says", "Presentan a Zetas asesinos del agente norteamericano Jaime Zapata", "Jaime Zapata, U.S. Immigration Agent, Shot Dead in Mexico in Apparent Ambush", "Cay 'El Mamito' jefe de Los Zetas, vinculado a crimen del agente Zapata", "Mexico targets cell accused of agent's killing", "Cuelgan a siete hombres en Mazatln, Sinaloa", "Hallan nuevas narcofosas en el estado de Guerrero", "Hallan narcofosas en el estado de Guerrero", "Balaceras en Valle Hermoso Tamaulipas; Tres das de tiroteos", "Tres das seguidos de balacera en Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas", "Mexico shootout leaves 18 dead in Tamaulipas state", "Hallan siete cuerpos en un vehculo en Morelos", "Gunmen attack Mexican border bar with bullets and fire bombs, killing 5 people inside", "La violencia en Acapulco deja 7 muertos, 6 heridos y centros comerciales incendiados", "Hallan 7 nuevas narcofosas en San Fernando Tamaulipas suman 193 cadveres", "En San Fernando hay fosas con 500 muertos ms: Wallace", "En San Fernando hay fosas con 500 muertos ms: Miranda de Wallace", "New murder record in Mexico: More than 1,400 in April", "Sedena desarma a policas de Tamaulipas", "Suman 249 cuerpos exhumados de narcofosas en Durango", "Discovery of Another Mass Grave in Mexico Brings Questions of Law Enforcement Failings", "Los Zetas realizan masacre en Guatemala: 27 muertos", "31 People Dead in Nuevo Laredo in Past 24 Hours", "Crackdown on Mexico cartel leaves 31 dead", "Special Report: Mexico's Zetas rewrite drug war in blood", "Un choque armado deja 11 muertos y 36 sicarios detenidos en Mxico", "Polica Federal da golpe a La Familia Michoacana: Captura a 36 integrantes y abate a 11 pistoleros", "Hallan ms de 30 narcofosas en Coahuila", "EU arrest a 127 agentes aduanales corrompidos por narco mexicanos", "Mircoles negro en Nuevo Len: 34 muertos en 24 horas", "Cae "El Chango" Mndez lder de "La Familia Michoacana, "Balacera entre Marinos y "Zetas" deja 15 presuntos delincuentes abatidos", "Balacera deja 15 sicarios muertos y 17 detenidos", "Se enfrentan 250 presuntos sicarios con elementos de la Marina en Zacatecas", "Mexico arrests 'top leader of Zetas drug gang, "Sicarios realizan ataque en Monterrey: 27 muertos", "Los Zetas colocan ms narcomantas en Nuevo Len: Llegan a Bar Sabino y dejan mensaje", "In Mexico, a Kidnapping Ignored as Crime Worsens", "El secuestro de la familia Czares y la cobarda del alcalde", "Latin American Herald Tribune Mexico Captures Drug Kingpin", "Nueva masacre en Ciudad Jurez con un saldo de 21 muertos", "Dos ciudades al norte de Mxico marcadas por la violencia", "Mexico's largest marijuana plantation uncovered | News | National Post", "Se fugan por lo menos 66 reos en penal de N.Laredo", "Dilogo entre el Presidente Caldern y el Movimiento por la Paz", "Militares atienden denuncia annima y abaten a 10 sicarios en Veracruz", "Encapuchados desarman a 21 policas en Michoacn", "Balacera deja 17 muertos en penal de Ciudad Jurez", "Fourth mayor found dead this year in Mexico", "Autoridades presentan a El Diego, lder de La Lnea y jefe operativo del crtel de Jurez", "El Diego orden al menos mil 500 ejecuciones", "Operacin "Lince Norte", golpe contundente a los Zetas: Sedena", "Revelan golpe contundente a 'Zetas' con 30 muertos", "Cae "El Compayito" lder de "La Mano con Ojos, "La Mano con Ojos "El Compayito" confiesa", "Balacera En Partido Santos vs Monarcas Morelia", "Mayor Kidnapped Near Mexico City Found Dead", "Violencia en Mxico cobra vida de un alcalde, suman 19 desde 2010", "Atacan Casino Royale en Monterrey: 52 muertos", "Suman 61 muertos por ataque en Monterrey", "Masacre en un casino de Monterrey: 61 muertos", "Maestros cierran 140 escuelas en Acapulco tras amenazas del crimen organizado", "Incrementan escuelas cerradas en Acapulco; autoridad pide su regreso", "Mxico: unas 140 escuelas en Acapulco cierran por amenazas", "Hombres armados toman por 5 horas la alcalda y crcel de Juchipila, Zacatecas", "Unos 70 gatilleros del crtel del Golfo tomaron Juchipila, Zacatecas", "35 bodies found in Mexican roadway during rush hour", "Dumping of 35 bodies seen as challenge to Zetas", "En Veracruz tiran a 40 ejecutados; en narcomantas sealan que los muertos son Zetas", "35 bodies dumped in Mexican city as president begins effort to woo tourists", "Los "Mata Zetas" piden disculpas por los cuerpos abandonados en Veracruz", "Tiran 14 cuerpos ms en calles de Veracruz, a pesar de operativo", "Suman 14 cuerpos encontrados en Veracruz", "Presenta Segob proyecto "Veracruz Seguro, "Las autoridades detienen a fundadores de 'La Familia' y 'Gente Nueva, "Mexico says a leader of fading cartel caught", "La Marina localiza 32 cuerpos en casas de seguridad en Veracruz", "Marina reporta el hallazgo de 32 cuerpos en Veracruz; la Procuradura, 4", "La Marina detiene a ocho presuntos 'Mata Zetas' en Veracruz", "El procurador de Veracruz renuncia a su cargo tras una ola de violencia", "Otros 10 cadveres son encontrados en el estado de Veracruz", "Suma 100 muertos Veracruz en tan slo 18 das", "Mexico arrests a key leader of Zetas gang", "Las autoridades de Sinaloa localizan 23 cadveres en tres municipios", "26 cadveres son abandonados en camionetas, en una avenida de Guadalajara", "26 bodies dumped in mass slaying in Guadalajara", "El Crtel del Milenio y Los Zetas se atribuyen masacre en Guadalajara", "American Consulate speaks about U.S.military presence in Matamoros", "Officials: Military meeting in Matamoros 'uneventful,,8599,2103102,00.html, "Mexico Prison Fight: 31 Killed In Altamira", "Torreon Killings: Five Severed Heads Found In Northern Mexican City", "2 Texas missionaries murdered in north Mexico", "Mexican policemen killed after beheadings", "Investigating Beheadings, 12 Officers Slain in Mexico", "Drug Violence Leaves 13 Dead in Mexico Ahead of Pope's Visi", "DRUG WAR: 10 dead in Mexico shootout among gunmen", "Suman 15 los ejecutados en bar de Chihuahua; dos periodistas, entre las vctimas", "Ascienden a 16 los muertos por ataque a bar en Chihuahua", "Enfrentamientos entre delincuentes y militares en Sinaloa dejan 27 muertos", "Suman 23 muertos en Nuevo Laredo, entre colgados y decapitados", "Narcoviolencia vuelve a Jalisco; hallan 18 cuerpos en dos vehculos", "Attack on Mexican drug rehab center leaves 11 dead", "Mexico drug war: 12 decomposing bodies found in car", "10 Die in attack on bar in northern Mexico", "La Marina abate a Heriberto Lazcano en Coahuila", "Van 23 muertos por fuga fallida en Durango", "Mexico troops kill 12 in gun fight in Zacatecas state", "Gulf Cartel Leader Assassinated in Northern Mexico", "Cae 'El Changel', supuesto sucesor de 'Nacho' Coronel", "At least eight bodies found where Kombo Kolombia band went missing", "Kombo Kolombia, otra tragedia en el mundo de la msica", "Reynosa shootout: Dozens dead, trucks filled with bodies", "Cae en Durango 'El Canelo', sobrino de 'Nacho' Coronel", "Suspected Sinaloa cartel member deported from U.S. to Mexico", "Mexico: Drug lord's father-in-law arrested", "High Ranking Gulf Cartel Member Sentenced in Washington, D.C., to 35 Years in Prison for Drug Trafficking", "Armando Torres, Marine, Kidnapped By Armed Men In Mexico: Family", "11 disappear from Mexico City bar; mass kidnapping suspected", "Mexico rescues 165 kidnapped migrants near US border", "Mexico's Election Violence Is Said to Be Worst in Years", "Mexico Elections Along Border Raise Tempers, Fears", "US federal official: Top leader of Mexico's brutal Zetas drug cartel captured", "More than 20 killed in clashes between Mexican police, armed gangs", "Michoacn, la emergencia; el DF, el reto", "Rafael Caro Quintero, infamous Mexican drug lord, ordered released after 28 years in prison", "Mario Ramirez-Trevino, Mexico's Gulf Cartel leader, in custody, law enforcement sources say", "Mexican forces seize drug kingpin Alberto Carrillo Fuentes, alias 'Ugly Betty, "Alerta especial en Jurez tras la ejecucin de 10 personas", "Eldest of Mexico's Arellano Felix Clan Killed", "Son of cartel leader arrested at border", "Concluyen bsqueda con 17 cuerpos en Zapopan", "Five Killed In Puerto Peasco Tourist Zone Gun Battle", "Dutch police nab Sinaloa cartel top enforcer", "Fuerzas federales detienen al lder 'templario' Dionicio Loya Plancarte", "Lluvias dejan al descubierto narcofosa en Tamaulipas con 30 cuerpos", "El Chapo, Most-Wanted Drug Lord, Is Captured in Mexico", "Abaten en Quertaro a "Kike" Plancarte, lder de Los Templarios", "Mexico: A Zetas founder among 6 dead in shootout", "Reportan muerte de lder del crtel de Sinaloa conocido como El Azul", "Bodies from mass grave in Mexico bear signs of torture or mutilation", "Arellano drug gang leader captured in Tijuana -", "At least 22 killed in gunfight southwest of Mexico City", "En caso Iguala, delitos de lesa humanidad: CNDH", "Detienen en San Miguel de Allende a Hctor Beltrn Leyva", "Son 28 los cuerpos hallados en fosas de Iguala", "0 Bodies, 11 human heads found in clandestine graves in southern Mexico", "Mexico ambush kills 10, including 5 federal police", "Polica Federal ajusta a 11 cifra de muertos tras emboscada en Ocotln", "Mexico police ambush leaves 15 officers dead and five injured in Jalisco state", "Confirma fiscala de Jalisco 15 policas muertos en emboscada", "Jalisco en "cdigo rojo" por quema de vehculos y ataques", "El periodismo necesita inversin.

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