the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy

People in the United States came from many European countries and going to war could affect their homelands. D. Peasants were given more rights. C. The NAACP and CORE organized hiring campaigns to help more -the importance of reason. How were slaves acquired by the Ottomans? Example 1. Feel free to 'Save & Edit' to personalize this set to your liking! Francis I of France and Suleiman believed only their collaboration could prevent what? SUBMIT, How did innovations in aviation affect World War II? What did Europeans call Suleiman the great? What did Ackbar do to govern this vast region? When a country uses its power to control lands and people abroad, it's following a strategy of What was the effect of climate change and economic depression on the Ming Dynasty? Yet military challenges proved daunting there as well. ~ ~ ~ World War I Begins, Why were the Balkans called the "powder keg" of Europe? Ulama. (Use arriving as a subject.) ", It was a phenomenon unique to North America, Identify the statements that are consistent with the "social contract. How did the Ottomans add to their military strength after the victories in Balkan? C. A policy of isolation from foreign contact a map incorporating all Islamic knowledge that showed all the known world, He built an observatory at Istanbul. Why did enslaved Africans replace enslaved Native Americans in the Americas? What was the advantage of a joint-stock company in colonization? C. Sparsely populated. After suleiman's reign the practice of the sultans son killing his brothers fo rthe throne. Total War, by requiring colonies to participate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a nationalist of_____ descent. After Ivan the Terrible brought the entire Volga region under Russian control and his ally the Cossack chieftain Dimitrash, tried to take Azov, the northernmost Ottoman fortress what did the Ottomans do? Akbar. D. There was a higher death rate for enslaved people in the Caribbean. the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy. A. The Byzantine Empire C. The Mughal Empire D. The Safavid Empire. C. Japan opened up to international trade. What is Animism? successors of both the Byzantine and Seljuk Turk emperors. The Ottomans in Anatolia, the Safavids in persia, and the Mughals in India. Decentralized -Citizens were in possession of certain natural rights that were universal and not subject to restriction What methods did railroad companies use to limit competition? What new religion rejected the cast system? The Ottoman Empire B. What empire could compare to the Safavid empire? A. B. the Ottoman development of slave soldiers and slave viziers. Unit Test Review, This chart shows WWI spending. Where was Gallipoli located? making citizens feel like they were contributing to the wartime effort. catholic sunday mass readings 2022. msd martinsville skyward family access; how to change number of meals on myfitnesspal; truck toppers fort collins The defendants have made an initial offer of $156,000\$ 156,000$156,000 per year for 25 years. Thanks so much! Which word characterizes the relationship between capitalism and colonialism? -the Shi'a faith, which became the compulsory religion of the empire. Weegy: If a company secures a one-year bank loan it is considered a current liability.User: If a company secures a one-year bank loan it is considered _____. 4th: Great Britain, The graphic organizer shows the balance of power created by the alliance system in Europe prior to World War I. The return of demobilized soldiers aggravated the problem. World War I Begins. Some ethnic groups successfully declared their independence. 0 Answers/Comments. T he estimated $851,500 of manufacturing overhead has been divided into two cost pools: Assembly Department and Packaging Department. Aerobic exercise helps your body supply oxygen to muscles, it increases the efficiency of the production of ATP, adenosine triphosphate. = 15 * 3/20 \textbf{May 31, 2018} the blank empire was very populous, containing weegyhow unhealthy is mcdonald's fries. The city was abandoned due to its bad water supply. What was a major effect of the transatlantic slave trade? = 45/20 Who Isfahan the jewel of the safavid empire? What did Mehmet order to begin the transformation of Constantinople? User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. = 2 1/4. by leading workers' strikes Which empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time? Aurangzeb. drinking was an innovation and therefore a violation of Islamic Law -political authority in the colonies was weak B. Which empire was very popular, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time? -when ferdinand and issabella of spain expelled the jews more of them went to turkey. The posting of the 95 Theses is considered the beginning of the Reformation. D. work on farms and in factories during the war. Spell each of the following words/adding the suffix that is given, Example: pity + ful = pitiful\underline{\textit{pitiful}}pitiful. Even after the conquest . The most common form of local religious practices in pre-colonial Africa was In each blank, insert the most appropriate word, We were so pleased with the service that we left a generous _________, Use the directions given in parentheses to write the sentence containing gerund phrases. B. B. Japan followed a policy of isolation from other countries. vrrap monthly housing allowance reddit 2022; sig p365 base plate extension; costco hoodies. Advertisement Advertisement gabbardracheal55 gabbardracheal55 Answer: strengthening of the reservation system. C. Tuskegee Airmen. Taking Bursa in western Anatolia, and by seizing Gallipoli. a. Spanish explorers who used military force against indigenous peoples while looking for wealth were called What made the Dutch and English East India Companies so profitable? Mughal rule changed into decreased to most effective a small vicinity round Delhi. The Songhai Empire declined because of Total War, conserving gas and other kinds of fuel User: For not having insurance under the No- fault law , you will have to pay . the Ottomans gained control of shipping in the eastern Mediterranean, eliminated the Portuguese from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, and supported Andalusian and North African Muslims in their fight against the Christian reconquest of Muslim Spain. Aragon makes handheld calculators in two models-basic and professional-and wants to refine its costing system by allocating overhead using departmental rates. The port of Goa on the west coast of India. How did Russia surprise Germany early in the war? B. they controlled the spice trade in asia for a century. According to western writers, what retarded Asia's economic development? A. O Did you get Marie and Steve their consent slips? -Citizens voluntarily gave up complete freedom to be part of a society, Identify the statement about the British empire that can be inferred by the symbolism in the image, What does it reveal about eastern North America during and after the Seven Year's war, correct answers: How does the poster illustrate that civilians are crucial to the total war effort? Example 1. = 15 ? Prepare the corrected trial balance as of May 31, 2018. Ottoman armies began losing wars and teritories. Was the conflict between the Ottomans and Safavids an even match? B. the Ottomans captured Baghdad, and the treaty of Kasr-I-Shirim established a permanent border between the two powers. What is the most likely reason the United Kingdom had the largest shipping losses? , ORE organized direct-action campaigns to h. Service Revenue was understated by$4,000. A. Name the Central Powers country and the Allied country that spent the most money on the war. he ordered the city cleaned up and the walls repaired. In the 1900s, an arms race occurred when which two countries began to compete over the size of their navies? C. An economic system based on global trade What impact do you think the harnessing of atomic power has on the environment ? , t on the seas. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? The Great War, In the early 1900s, what trend emerged concerning chemical weapons? The Allies retreated after losing many soldiers. Thanks to gunpowder, what did the Ottomans recieve? They played a central role in Ottoman military affairs in the sixteenth century, adapting easily to the use of firearms. The following data have been compiled: AssemblyPackagingDepartmentDepartmentTotalOverheadcosts$550,000$301,500$851,500Machinehours:BasicModel145,000MHr35,000MHr180,000MHrProfessionalModel355,000MHr120,000MHr475,000MHrDirectlaborhours:BasicModel40,000DLHr80,000DLHr120,000DLHrProfessionalModel317,500DLHr422,500DLHr740,000DLHr\begin{array}{llll} Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? In what way might the Allies benefit from Germany's decision to fight on two fronts? What marked the loss of Ottoman dominance in the Meditteranean? Initially these men were Muslims from Central Asia, but to reduce their influence, Akbar vigorously recruited Persians and Hindus. C. work on the railroads during the war. B. &\textbf{Department}&\textbf{Department}&\textbf{Total}\\ Why was Christianity appealing to many in the kingdom of Kongo? Not helpful? He celebrated important Hindu festivals , such as Diwali, the festival of lights, and he wore his uncut hair in a turban. The Byzantine Empire C. The Mughal Empire D. The Safavid Empire, The Mughal Empire was very populous, [ containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. What three features did the Safavid empire rest on? The spreading of people of African descent throughout the world due to forced migration. religious antagonism between the Sunni Ottomans and the Shi'a Persians, competition to expand at each other's expense in Mesopotamia, desire to control trade routes, and European alliances. A. Interconnected (Both helped the other to grow.). = 15 ? -they extended their rule across North Africa to Tunisia and Algeria. \hline Meanwhile, the Marathas pressed steadily northward, constituting the gravest threat to Mughal authority. In the early 1800s, European countries competed for colonies in _____ . -both concepts worked their way across the Atlantic to the colonies, The intended purpose of the presidios established in North America by the Spanish was primarily to oversee the religious conversion of Native Americans to Catholicism. he built the small cottage business of carpet weaving into a national industry. He took many forts and won several battles, but total destruction of the Maratha guerrilla bands eluded him. to adorn Istanbul with palaces, mosques, schools, and libraries, and the city reached about a million in population. C. Communism 4.coffeehouses attracted unemployed soldiers and other low types, encouraging immoral behavior, such as gambling, using drugs, and soliciting prostitutes Indian merchant bankers shipped their cloth worldwide. Which best explains the Russian army's near-collapse during World War I? What did most people in China during the ming dynasy do for work? Updated 11/4/2020 9:31:51 PM. A. former colony. And in 1774 it lost the lands on the northern bank of the Black sea to Russia. To replace them, he reimposed the tax on non-muslims, He ordered the destruction of some Hindu temples and tried to curb Sikhism. C. The Byzantine Empire overseas. Russian and American Involvement in the War. In return for their services to the sultan, they held landed estates for the duration of their lives. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. \hspace{10pt}\text{Basic Model}&\text{40,000 DLHr}&\text{80,000 DLHr}&\text{120,000 DLHr}\\ Interest rate for an annuity Anna Waldheim was seriously injured in an industrial accident. Conflict between the Ottomans and the Safavids was not an even match. This one is wrong Identify the locations where slaves were most frequently sent after being transported to the New World on the Middle Passage, Correct answers: Japan's shogun reacted with __________ to the spread of Christianity during the Tokugawa shogunate. How did the British respond to political instability in India? What allowed scholars to reconstruct the expanding trading networks of the Armenian soldiers? Which empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time? The Safavids did not have as many people or as much wealth as the Ottomans and continually had to defend against encroachments on their western border. The countries in the alliances signed treaties agreeing to defend each other in times of war. [ Updated 9 days ago|2/20/2023 9:57:34 PM. Germany sank merchant ships bringing supplies to the Allies, doubling the amount of lost goods in four months. C. It destabilized local, political, economic, and family structures in Africa. Asked 12/20/2018 4:00:04 PM. = 2 5/20 whose rule marked the decline of the Mughal empire? What accomplishments happened under Selim? It turned into additionally recognized for its cultural affect and its architectural achievements is taj mahal. The _____ Empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. Who went the furthest in promoting Muslim-Hindu accomadation? The chief of a band of semi nomadic Turks that had migrated into Western Anatolia while the Mongols still held Persia. A. replace U.S. soldiers in Europe during the war. The NAACP and CORE organized labor unions to help Black the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy. troops overseas. what were some arguments about coffehouses? Why did the Armenian community lose its center in New Julfa? In safavid persia, what did Shah Abbas do to improve his country's export trade? This one is wrong Analyze How does Douglass's opening reference to the Declaration of Independence reinforce his message? His eighteenth-century successors were less successful than the Ottomans in making the dynasty the focus of loyalty. Not Answered. Women s rights. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Who contributed to the decline of the Abbasid caliphate in the 13th century? \text{Overhead costs}&\$550,000&\$301,500&\$851,500\\ Germany was guilty of committing war crimes. To this day, Iran remains the only Muslim state in which Shi'ism is the official religion. Which of Akbars succesors sided more with the ulama? Red Cross. The purpose of the painting exercise istopaintoutsidethelines\underline{\text{is to paint outside the lines}}istopaintoutsidethelines. Which of Akbar's sucessors had the most interest in architecture? Germany would become weaker by having to divide its military resources between the fronts. D. Christianity. overseas. Recognizing Compound Indirect Objects. Khmer Empire: 802: 1431: 629 Khilji Dynasty: 1290: 1320: 30 Khwarazmian Empire: 1077: 1221: 144 Kievan Rus' 862: 1240: 378 Kingdom of Georgia: 1008 1490 482 Konbaung Dynasty: 1752: 1885: 133 Kong Empire: 1710: 1898: 188 Korean Empire: 1897: 1910: 13 Kushan Empire: 30: 345: 315 Kingdom of Kush: 1070 BC: 550: 1620 Khwarazmian Empire: 1077: 1231: . he lacked his father's military abilities and administrative genius, but he did succeed in consolidating Mughal rule in Bengal. Unit Test Review. In this political vacuum, the Shi'a faith grew stronger, It suffered from poor leadership. Mehmet's army carried boats over steep hills to come in behind the chains blocking the harbor and then bombarded the city from the rear. \text{Service Revenue}&&\text{16,300}\\ what language slowly became the lingua franca of the realm? Unit Test Review. g. A$160 cash dividend was incorrectly journalized as $1,600. Isma'il's own beliefs were messianic and not mainstream, but he took steps that ended up promoting standard Shi'ism. To end its participation in World War I, Russia negotiated the ___ peace agreement. How did the alliance system in Europe most likely contribute to the start of World War I? Russian and American Involvement in the War, The 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk altered the course of World War I by West African elites There was a positive side to increasing provincial autonomy, however, because it drew more people into political participation, thus laying a foundation for later nationalism. Updated 277 days ago|5/31/2022 10:15:07 PM. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. decline in the strength of the army encouraged increased foreign aggression.The afgahns invaded and seized Isfahan. what was the root of the safavid and ottoman war? her status and her salary increased. Question. Who do Arab writers trace the origin of coffee drinking to? This action infuriated the ulama and serious conflict erupted. SUBMIT, The goal of the 1953 Termination Act was: Power was seized by local notables and military strongmen at the expense of central government officials. World War I Begins, many of the Balkans' countries had nationalist independence movements, Which is the correct order of countries that joined World War I following Austria-Hungary's declaration of war on Serbia? Russian and American Involvement in the War, by creating military mutinies Eventually, his descendants would add more lands to the south. Succesion difficulties, financial strain, and loss of military superiority, It was difficult to govern and it did not have the revenue base to maintain the sort of standing armies that the ottomans and mughals did. -the Ottomans turned the Safavids back from Anatolia The Greek patriarch. The absence of a hereditary nobility and private ownership of agricultural land. FUNERAL SERVICE Saturday, February 1, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. First Lutheran Church Wall, South Dakota OFFICIATING Pastor Christopher McCarthy MUSIC Rhonda Mettler - Pianist , ORE organized direct-action campaigns to the Mughal state took definitive form and encompassed most of the subcontinent north of the Godavari River. The Great War. They took control of the muslim trade, That western principles of international law should not restrict them in Asia.

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the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy