is it easier to get into mit for humanities

ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? Check out our complete guide to Ivy League acceptance rates. Think outside the box. Conversely, if you're above the SAT/ACT Math threshold, you definitely will benefit from taking the USAMO series, even if it isn't your spike. MIT requires that you answer a few short questions, rather than write one long essay. Then check out our college admissions and test-prep guide designed specially for students like you! How hard is it to really get into MIT and those who are in MIT - reddit Do you enjoy the culture? Thanks for the post! Back in high school, I used to get by by memorizing patterns, tricks, and shortcuts to pass all my exams and assignments. I was a teeny bit unsure when I left (heck, I asked that EXACT question at CPW), but this definitely turns the scales up in MITs favor. You should look to get mainly As, with a high few Bs on your transcript. . Which is easier to get into MIT or Harvard? Thanks and great post! I. How to Get Into Stanford (by an Accepted Student), In her research project, recently featured in, , Lillian built a simple tool to investigate how well harvests would do in the next season. In our modern world, specialization is the key to success. If you're a little weaker on the humanities side, shoring up your SAT/ACT score is the fastest and most effective way to improve. With his intelligence, he could have easily swept the US News top 50 if he'd put even a modicum of diligence into his schoolwork. This does, of course, entail the catch that just slapping on humanities classes because you figure it'll look good. If the answers to all of the above is yes! then youre ready to move on . If this sounds like you, read on to learn how the Regeneron ISEF could be a great choice for your STEM spike. If you're already in STEM, you'll want to strongly consider entering a prestigious math or science competition to show off the high degree of your skills. MIT considers it as a Social Science so it fits in with our HASS requirement (humanities, arts, and social science). Source: Was deferred EA, and saying this makes me feel better about myself. Those people are definitely lucky to have you as a teacher. The Math Olympiad is special because it's the most competitive, with the highest number of people doing the first round. MIT students don't fit into any particular profile, except that they're all highly, highly talented. Note: The following advice also works for admission to UC Berkeley and Cornell University. MIT has a general institute requirement. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. Also, good mentors with previous experience will know which problems can be done by students and which would be too complicated or time-consuming. :). That means that, if you take the ACT multiple times, MIT will consider the highest score achieved in each section. There's nothing to set you apart. my favorite department here <3) awards outstanding students in the study of foreign language through their annual awards. You do, however, need to memorize all the most common SAT grammar rules and learn how many questions you can afford to get wrong without sacrificing your score goals. Needless to say, he'll fit right in at MIT next year. Also, you can't fake it: meanness, jealousy, and arrogance drip into your writing and essays, how you interact in interviews. Your spike doesn't need to be related to STEM, but you should still be strong in quantitative subjects as a whole. The MIT regular admission deadline is January 5. (fact: accidentally typed a t after your name and quickly backspaced that would have been awkward), Its relieving to know that it is possible to do all the things youre interested in. As for your spike, since your natural strength is outside STEM, I wouldn't go for a STEM-type spike. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. This spike will be good for you if your SAT Math score is 760 or above (or your ACT Math score is 35 or above). These students might instead be found writing their own computer programs for months at a time or working on a science experiment for weeks. Now, what if you're good at tests and competitionsbut not math? It doesn't accept the Common Application, Coalition Application or Universal Application. Some of the key factors to winning include being innovative and original. For your Stanford spike, you could brainstorm an amazing discovery, such as a biological process, an electrical engineering discovery, or something else entirely. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 4+ ACT Points, How to Get a Perfect 36 ACT, by a Perfect Scorer. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females. Some get anxious from the pressure, whereas others just don't do well on tests, even if they're brilliant at STEM. He would literally put all his time into building these robots, often skipping English classes, physics classes, and even sleep to spend time on this intense passion he had. Applicants are notified of their status in mid-March. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Many people have asked me why afterwards and whether I seriously thought that MIT was the best choice for me (they love to say, disdainfully, isnt MIT a school for nerds?). If you havent noticed already. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the best schools in the world. Don't wait until the last minute to write your MIT essaysstart them with plenty of time so that you can revise and receive feedback. For a correct assessment of the difficulty it takes to get into MIT, do a quick Google search and you'll see that the chance of MIT having a double digit acceptance rate is lower than MIT acceptance rate going into the negatives so they'll start kicking out current students. The USAMO series is so prestigious that I've known Stanford students whose main spike was placing within the top 1,000 or 2,000 in this competition. How much did your lunch cost? Here's a quick overview of how they work. To recap, do the USAMO series if you do really well on math tests such as SAT/ACT Math. The best resource to train for the USAMO series is Art of Problem Solving. In other words, aim for that high seat in your school orchestra. Ask below and we'll reply! In fact, I myself during my early years of high school believed in this horrible assumption, even though I'd already done hundreds of hours of research at that point. Not someone who got into MIT but one of my closest friends did. In this article, we'll break down exactly how to get into MIT, from the test scores you need to the tips and tricks that'll help your application stand out. You have to be rigorous, but not nearly to the degree of professional science research. If you're less into STEM, read the next section. Note that for your activities, you don't need to be especially great at themparticipation is what ultimately matters here. In other words, take APs when they are available and, within APs, try to choose the harder option (Calculus BC instead of AB, for example). 11 < above is one 1 So what's a good enough baseline in SAT or ACT Math? There are lots of writers out there giving admissions advice without any personal experience. Remember, MIT wants applicants that are interesting as people. If you do submit test scores, you'll need to have extremely high SAT scores to be able to get into MIT. In other words, 75% of admitted students score above a 1510 on the SAT. MIT doesn't want to admit students who will be content to take their expensive diploma and sit at home doing nothing with it. Unfortunately, an overly reactionary response to the above generates the worst myth. Thanks! The best way to convince MIT that you'll do this while there? All it requires is mastering baseline content of math and understanding the highest-gain SAT Math strategies. Answer (1 of 14): So I really think it depends on who you are so to speak. I dont personally think its real humanities though since the econ classes here use multivariate calculus at times but I know Econ at many other schools entail writing essays so meh. Our new student and parent forum, at, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. Think of it like this: whereas winning your high school's local science fair is like winning a 100-meter dash in your town, winning the ISEF is like winning the 100-meter dash in the Olympics. Download it for free now: hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, '688715d6-bf92-47d7-8526-4c53d1f5fe7d', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, '03a85984-6dfd-4a19-93c8-5f46091f5e2b', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. Don't strive for above average at a lot of thingsbe excellent at one. When our Lit teacher first dissected The Four Quartets for us that warm sunny day in March of my senior year, my view towards English Literature changed forever. This letter has been modified to summarize meaning and protect privacy. I took 14 exams (2 soph, 6 junior, 6 senior). How to Get Into MIT: 5 Expert Admissions Tips - PrepScholar If you're not a native speaker and aren't fluent, I suggest you make this a priority, probably through immersion in an English-speaking country.). Fortunately, MIT uses "Highest Section" scoring (also known as "superscoring"). 13112221. College Admissions You should put a lot of effort into every one of the five MIT essays. As you know, strong test scores are an important part of your Stanford application. How to Get Into Stanford (by an Accepted Student) - PrepScholar how hard is it to get into MIT and those of you who are in MIT what was your high school life like and your grades like? Whatever the case, make sure that your project is impressive. For your base diversity of extracurriculars, it helps to focus more on engineering and/or math; it also helps if your spike is in engineering or math. You can read about the competition's judging criteria and a real winner's experiences on the official website. You should aim for an SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of at least 650 or ACT Reading and English scores of at least 28 each. 5. As a result, math-related classes and extracurriculars are not the only things that matter when applying to Stanford. Im part of the MIT Model United Nations team (serving as the 09-10 president for the group) again, a very humanities activity, you probably would agree. Hows ur GPA? With so many applicants scoring 34 and above, a lower score won't be very impressive. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Score, one of the most difficult colleges to get into, wrote an entirely separate essay for the Stanford application, as high as 1420 on the SAT or 32 on the ACT, roughly 2,300 students Stanford accepts each year, humanities-heavy application that would do well at Harvard, improve quickly and consistently to the 700+ level on the SAT, our guide on how to get into the Ivy League, how many questions you can afford to get wrong, Our guide lists hundreds of extracurriculars, it's important for any student to have a professional academic scientist or engineer as their mentor, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Informatics (Computer Science) Olympiads, our complete guide to Stanford University, our college admissions and test-prep guide, You need high baseline academics, with SAT scores above 600 (ideally 750 in each section), You need to have a diverse set of extracurriculars at which you're good (but not necessarily a pro), You need to have a "spike" for which you're (ideally) ranked in the top 100-1,000 compared to other students, Stanford admissions is all about academics, Stanford wants you to be as evenly well rounded as possible. you'll still have to pick and choose) 13112221. You can do this yourself or take advantage of our online SAT/ACT prep program, which will automatically identify these weaknesses for you. What ACT target score should you be aiming for? For example, the Department of Literature (21L) offers an exciting series of literature classes that are generally only a dozen students in size, providing great interaction between professors and students for knowledge exchange, relationship building, and lets face it recommendation letters. Stanford believes that non-academic factors, in addition to top academics, help predict who will have a positive impact in the future. MIT will completely revamp the way that you think about science. The Perks of Being a Humanities Major | MIT Admissions Don't follow everyone else's path if you want to get into MITcreate your own. For example, I wouldnt do a UROP just for the sake of doing it. So if one student were a top-100 young writer and another were a top-100 math competitor, it's likely that the latter would have a slightly better chance of getting into Stanford. To show originality for the ISEF, you must tackle a problem that's interesting to the scientific community. I'd say something in the 720-800 range on the SAT Math section or 32-36 on ACT Math will do. MIT trains us to be problem solvers and independent thinkers. Bringing movement into the classroom and academics into the gym . Studying satellite images and data from the. Many areas in politics and law are surprisingly close to the logical systems you're used to in STEM. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, 'c8b8e502-c285-4182-9589-5f8ae230e78a', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Based on the above information, your first goal should be to ensure you have strong academics. Many JV teams are not incredibly competitive. You should take the most rigorous classes your school offerswhether that's honors, AP, or IB coursesor even look into taking courses at the local community college to show that you're not afraid of an academic challenge and that you can succeed at one, too! ), but I really have no better way to begin this so here goes: I love the humanities. For example, Im completely against doing things that you dont enjoy just for the resume or for the experience. Granted, you might run into things that you just HAVE to do, but meh, I try to always look around for opportunities that fill what I need to do but is still enjoyable at the same time. Stanford is one of the most difficult universities to get into, as are UC Berkeley and Cornell. Many students are strong in STEM but aren't exceptional when it comes to solving timed problems. YayYou are very strongHow is your grade like in MIT? In this section, I'm going to tell you the critical three truths and two myths you absolutely need to know in order to get into Stanford. Stanford is probably the best bet despite its low admission rate followed by Harvard and then MIT. Get a score in the 95th percentile or higher on your SAT or ACT. hbspt.cta.load(360031, '4efd5fbd-40d7-4b12-8674-6c4f312edd05', {}); Have any questions about this article or other topics? People with far less are can be accepted, just because they happen to have a specific personality. Your application can be completely bereft of engineering aspirations, and you can still do well. Show that your academic curiosity intersects with your passions. After all, if you were trying out for the football team, the coaches wouldn't measure your skills in baseball, right? For example, if you're into religious studies with a focus on the Old Testament, you might talk about how you'd like to use statistical analysis to refine the documentary hypothesis. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Describe the world you come from (for example, your family, school, community, city, or town). If you don't meet these basic thresholds, I would think very hard before making the USAMO series your spikethe series is, after all, just a much harder version of these standardized tests in nearly the exact same format. Even if your subject of interest is Prussian history, you should be cautious about getting a B in AP Calculus AB, taking the easiest math classes, or getting as "low" as a 650 on the SAT Math section. A 4.1% acceptance rate means that MIT is extremely competitive to get into. Earn at least an A- in all your classes. I got in. Like most myths, this one results from taking the truth too far. I get surprised looks from people when I tell them my major. For example, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (21F! Consequently, top colleges such as Stanford need to look beyond academic scores to distinguish between these equally high-achieving students. Every school requires an application with the bare essentials - high school transcript and GPA, application form, and other core information. By contrast, the ISEF is more about tinkering around, spending days and months doing research similar to what you'd do in college, and then presenting your results. For one, it's the oldest of the high school subject Olympiads, and it was the subject of Cold War tensions between the US and USSR. Ask below and we'll reply! You don't even need to be interested in STEM in general; Stanford is not MIT or Caltech! However, I'd think it obvious that showing one's match for a school in a less common way (given a science/tech focused school) makes for a better chance. But I dont know whether I would be content to live my whole life as a teacher/professor. I think it all comes down to whether you want to be the big fish in the small pond, or the small fish in the big pond.. You should take care to put enough effort into these subjects so you don't drop down to the middle of the pack. Already got some great extracurriculars? Standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT are a great way to prove how well rounded you are. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. I promise I will stop philosophizing (aka. These competitions require you to work with logic very intelligently, and all require memorizing and being familiar with some facts. Now, obviously, the more recognized the competition, the better. THIS, and the same applies to other selective schools (HYPS, ivies, top LAC's etc. While getting into Stanford is very tough, there are definite rules to Stanford admissions. >____>, My GPA is exactly how much my lunch cost yesterday. Contribute positively to your community while you're in high school. But I believe what got me into MIT was ultimately my service and commitment to something bigger to myself. Being a good humanities student, youre getting an education which would make you stand out from your other literary peers a rigorous scientific mindset and a keen eye for patterns, observations, and drawing conclusions. (Its really easy to get caught up and do things that what you may think will make you successful and then ask yourself why you dedicate 13 hours a week to an internship you are not happy with or stay with a UROP that you find completely mind-numbing.). why was carrie's sister dropped from king of queens . Since you're only targeting a 650 (or 28) or above on these sections, you don't need to stress as much about the last few problems and being careless. Not for grades and tests, those should come easily to MIT kids, but for national competitions like USAMO and IMO. From many personal surveys, I have found that even well-researched students and parents fall prey to this myth. On the one hand, Harvard has a smaller percentage of its applicants that get in (about 5% vs 7%). Assuming you are truly interested, it will help your application if you mention an aspiration to use some amount of engineering in your future studies. The only way you can get an advantage in admission to MIT is by donating or being a URM. Todays availability of open-source tutorials, software and datasets opens the doors for anyone to learn at their own pace. Lilian worked on her project at her own desk and says others can do the same. All rights reserved. Don't aim to be generically good at a lot of thingsbe hugely, amazingly good at one thing. The truth is that Stanford sees being very well rounded as too boring. A few dozen hours of volunteering is fine. We can help. Once you have a competition or field in mind, it's useful to evaluate how prestigious it is. Nevertheless, don't forget the fact that Stanford likes baseline diversity. Don't just take my word for it, thoughyou can Google it yourself. Is it easier to get into MIT as a girl? - Whats with the counting? In this area, or spike, you should try your best to be nationally or state-ranked, or accomplish a goal that's rare for a high school student. Todays availability of open-source tutorials, software and datasets opens the doors for anyone to learn at their own pace. Lilian worked on her project at her own desk and says others can do the same. All the money donated to Collegeboard!! Knowing the rules won't guarantee you admission, but you'll have a heck of a better chance than if you were applying in the dark. And for your IAPs, did you have to be fluent in Japanese and Spanish to take part in it? For example, one of the best parts so far was meeting Yo-Yo Ma when he came to Boston in an outing organized by the Burchard Scholars program (we got a free ticket to his show at Symphony Hall too! You can learn a lot about what MIT is looking for in its students from the university's website: "The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. Your spike makes you a strong candidate because it's unlikely that many other students will have the exact same spike as you. MIT School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (SHASS) That being said, due to the caliber of students accepted at MIT, we can assume that the average GPA is quite high. If you do well in that, you can advance to the next ISEF rounds. 312211. 21L also receives some of the highest course evaluation scores at MIT, if youre curious. We have 24/7 access to a tiny kitchen with a coffee machine and a fancy tea selection. I'll go over everything you need to know to get into Stanford, whether you're a humanities or STEM major. In short, it helps set you apart and makes you unique. Furthermore, a college applicant who has competitive USAMO series scores but questionable SAT or ACT Math scores will send mixed signals that'll diminish their USAMO series accomplishments. The 75th percentile for Stanford is currently 1570 on the SAT and 35 on the ACT. However, if you think about it in the other direction being a great humanities student here just means that you have more room to shine and stand out amongst your peers. As you can see here, there are tons of competitions and ways through which you could show off your special STEM skills. this spring. I just got accepted to an US-Japan Student Conference where selected American university students meet with similarly selected Japanese counterparts to discuss many global social, environmental, and political topics in Japan this summer. Yay problem-solving! Great post, Chris. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? 1113213211. The first reason is basic numbers: there are simply too many students with stellar academics. :), Since coming to MIT, Ive channeled my love of history by teaching a 6-week AP World History course to eight high school kids through the ESP Junction program last summer. In these other competitions, I'd say that qualifying for the top 20-40 will make the competition a spike for you in the eyes of Stanford. But all these schools follow the same pattern of being highly ranked and having a slight engineering tiltand all have a common admissions pattern. I like to think with so many opportunities around us, why settle for something that you dont like? To me, Stanford was one of the top two schools I was interested in, so I took the application very seriously. Given all of this, I turned down offers to Brown, Columbia (Davis Scholar), and Stanford (all having perceived better humanities programs than MIT does), when decision time came. Awesome. Uncategorized. Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a dream school for almost every student interested in STEM and even for business and humanities candidates. The picture of every undergrad goes on the departmental wall. =p I guess I have interests in too many areas=p, 1 The College Entrance Examination BoardTM does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this site. I have priority to get into the oversubscribed Course 17 (Political Science) offerings. MIT is one of the most selective schools in the world. If you show that positive contributions are a part of your modus operandi as a student, MIT will feel confident that you'll bring that attitude to its campus, too. Its ridiculously difficult but worth it for MIT. How to Get Into MIT. Because if you're above these thresholds, your test score won't reveal your true math skills, which are likely off the SAT/ACT charts; you need to upgrade to the USAMO series to show off all your math skills, even if you don't perform amazingly. Why? To be honest, I don't really know myself. You'll need excellent grades, test scores, essays, and letters of recommendation to even be considered. MIT has a small humanities program, but what we have are excellent. If this sounds like you, then the prestigious competition you should consider for your spike on your Stanford application is the Regeneron ISEF (formerly Intel ISEF). So, I've spent a lot of my high school life on the grind, chasing As, doing competitions, and taking hard classes. Tell us about a significant challenge youve faced (that you feel comfortable sharing) or something that didnt go according to plan. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. (minus tax). And, no, these rules are not as simple as "focus all your time on academics" or "be as well rounded as possible." r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. You should also be taking the most difficult STEM courses offered at your school. The SAT/ACT is not competitive mathdoing well on this section doesn't mean you're nationally ranked in math. Here are the 2022-2023 MIT essay prompts: You can learn more about how to ace your MIT essays in our in-depth article on the topic. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, 'c8b8e502-c285-4182-9589-5f8ae230e78a', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. Its a crapshoot. Not sure what else you mean by high school life, it's been pretty chill, I've enjoyed myself. It made me feel a little bit better about insane psets in the coming years (still a little intimidated). The most naive and prevalent myth is that getting into Stanford is all about academics. My assigned conference topic is Health and Modern Technology, which still relates to what I study. Huh?? Non-native English speakers are encouraged (but not required) to submit scores from an English proficiency exam. The USAMO series is all about pure math and solving problems fairly quickly (think a few minutes to an hour in a timed environment). Also, make sure to keep reading after this section as I'll be talking about Stanford-specific aspects. The top 75% of admitted students score a 34 or above on the ACT. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? My favorite class by far in high school was AP English Literature. I came into MIT with a lot of hopes and ideas of what I was going to do. dynamite daily news. Our guide lists hundreds of extracurriculars, which you can use to brainstorm how you can build a diversified base. The Burchard Scholars program identifies a group of students strongly interested in the humanities and connects them with the humanities faculty and visiting scholars and speakers for speaker dinner series and other events.

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is it easier to get into mit for humanities